Zack Zane vs. Justin Gonzalez (Featherweight)
Round 1: Gonzalez scores early with a right hand! Zane is down and Gonzalez is pouring on shots! Zane scrambles but Gonzalez takes him right back down! Zane scrambles again, but Gonzalez pressures him right against the fence! Zane is throwing some big shots but Gonzalez takes him down again! Gonzalez is controlling things against the fence, and scores with a takedown! (10-9 Gonzalez)
Round 2: Gonzalez scores early with a takedown! Gonzalez is controlling Zane with a body lock and has been for some time now. Gonzalez scores with a takedown and quickly takes the back. Just total control all fight for Gonzalez here. Zane climbs back to his feet but Gonzalez takes him right back down… not the most exciting fight but a very effective performance by Gonzalez. Gonzalez takes the back and he’s looking for an RNC! Zane is defending so far though. (10-8 Gonzalez)
Round 3: My feed cut out, but it was more of the same. Gonzalez dominated this fight, Zane only landed 16 shots in total.
Result: Justin Gonzalez def. Zack Zane via Unanimous Decision
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