Bellator 216
February 16, 2019
Uncasville, CT from Mohegan Sun Arena
Live on DAZN (10 PM ET)
Main Card
(1) Valerie Loureda vs. Colby Fletcher (Flyweight)
Prediction: Loureda wins via Round 1 stoppage.
ROUND ONE: Here we go! Sloppy strikes by Loureda. Both swinging. Fletcher tagging Loureda. Nice kick misses by Loureda. Superman punch from Fletcher. Big overhand misses for Fletcher. Elbows from both in the clinch. Nice leg kick by Loureda. Nice right by Loureda. A nice kick by Loureda. Jabs bit Fletcher. A body kick, and Fletcher falls straight back. Ground and pound, by Loureda. The ref letting it go, but now it’s over!
Result: Valarie Louredo defeats Colby Fletcher by TKO (Punches) in Round 1 (2:55)
Analysis: This was an obvious feed em fight for Valarie Louredo. However, Colby Fletcher wasn’t having it and got in some nice shots, but the inevitable happened soon enough. Not sure what knocked Fletcher flat on her back, because solid shots were landed but Fletcher walked back fine, got kicked in the stomach, yet, she didn’t crumble, but fell flat on her back. Hammer fists were sloppy, but being just her first fight, and only 20 years old, she’s got plenty of time to improve. Another Bellator prospect emerges, but lets see if she turns out like most other Bellator prospect, or if she breaks the cycle and becomes a stud. Again, only 20 years old, and an impressive performance that shows potential.
(2) Yaroslav Amosov vs. Erick Silva (Welterweight)
Prediction: Amosov wins via Round 1 stoppage.
ROUND ONE: Here we go! Nice leg kick by Silva. Clinch uppercut by Silva. Left hook by Amosov. Big overhand by Silva. Nice right by Silva. Clinch by Amosov, and a break. Another clinch. Amosov cut below the eye. Nice left from Amosov. Both men attempt takedowns. Amosov lands a takedown, but Silva pops back up. Clinch on the cage. Clinch by Amosov. And a break. Nice right by Amosov, but knee by Silva. Nice counter by Silva. Clinch by Amosov, and end Round 1. Close round, but I lean Amosov, but could go either way. 10-9 Amosov.
ROUND TWO: A trip from Silva. Nice combo by Amosov. Silva with an uppercut. Spinning body kick from Silva. Takedown from Amosov, and he takes the back. Silva back up, but Amosov remains on the back and gets him back down. Right hands from Amosov. Silva back up, and back down. More right hands from Amosov. Amosov keeps control on the ground against the cage. More punches by Amosov. Silva up, but AMOSOV PICKS UP SILVA AND THROWS HIM DOWN. Amosov not in half guard. Silva hurting. More shots by Amosov. Nice body shot by Amosov. Full guard. Silva eats a hammer fist, end Round 2. Complete opposite of Round 1, easily Amosov’s round. 20-18 Amosov
ROUND THREE: Leg kick from Silva. Takedown attempt by Amosov, but Silva blocks. Nice right by Amosov, and changes levels, landing the takedown. Silva back up. They break. Both fighters look gassed. Nice uppercut from Silva. Nice left straight by Amosov. Amosov drives Silva to the ground. Short ground shots landing for Amosov. Amosov takes the back. Nice shots under the armpit of Silva by Amosov. Silva stands. Amosov lifts Silva again, and slams him straight on his back. Silva back up. Amosov slams Silva again. Another stand, and another slam. Amosov into full guard. End Round 3. Shouldn’t be a hard call at all. Winner should by Yaroslav Amosov. 30-27 Amosov.
Result: Judges Scorecards- (29-27) (29-28 x2) for the winner by Unanimous Decision, Yaroslav Amosov.
Analysis: A very predictable outcome. Nothing much to say. After a close round, that all the judges gave to Silva, Amosov just whooped him for the last two rounds. Nice win for Amosov, who could be a top contender in the Welterweight division very soon.
(3) Cheick Kongo vs. Vitaly Minakov (Heavyweight)
Prediction: Minakov wins via Round 2 KO.
ROUND ONE: Here we go! Overhand right by Minakov. Minokav slips after a wild throuw. Kongo clinches. They break. Overhand misses for Minakov. Another miss. Kongo with a nice shot. Grappling on the cage. Kongo with a low shot. Ref separates the fight. A pause in action. Minakov taking his time. And he’s ready. And there is Sergi Kharitov who got kicked in the balls last night! Here we go again. Big uppercut lands for Minakov who clinches with Kongo. Another break. Kongo looking to counter. Nice body shot from Kongo. Big overhand misses for Minakov. Minakov knocks Kongo down, and tries a choke, but Kongo gets up. Kongo clinches. Break. Big right counter by Minakov, but Kongo clinches and lands a big body knee. Clinch by Minakov. End Round 1. 10-9 Minakov
ROUND TWO: Leg kick by Minakov. Leg kick by Kongo. Nice right by Minakov. Another right by Minakov. Kongo refusing to throw his right. Nothing happening. Jab by Minakov. Body shots to Kongo. Nice right by Minakov, but finally Kongo throws the right landing, and clinches. Knee from Kongo. Minakov with a right. Close round, but Kongo just ran for the whole period except for the last 45 seconds. 20-18 Minakov
ROUND THREE: Kongo pumps a jab. Kongo with 2 big leg kicks. A leg kick thrown by kongo, but a mistake as Minakov catches it and takes Kongo down. Minakov in half guard. Minokav throwing body shots. Kongo holding Minokav. Ezekiel Choke attempt from Minakov. Kongo escapes. Minakov throwing strikes. Kongo sits up on the cage. Kongo gets up, and throwing MASSIVE strikes. Huge knee and uppercut. Time is almost up. Big uppercut. Minakov backs up. Kongo goes for takedown and misses. End Round 3. Same as Round 2, with Minakov winning the first 4 minutes. Minakov should win. 30-27 Minakov
Result: Judges Scorecards- (30-27) (29-28 x2) for winner by Unanimous Decision, Cheick Kongo? Yeah.
Analysis: A horrendous decision. First round saw Minakov land a knockdown, as the only notable thing. Then Minakov dominated 4 minutes in both rounds following. So how can Kongo take a fight in which he only wins the final 30 seconds? A horrible decision. A terrible way for a man to lose his undefeated record.
(4) Mirko Cro Cop vs. Roy Nelson (Heavyweight)
Prediction: Steroid Cro Cop wins via 1st Round KO, or Roy Nelson decision.
ROUND ONE: Here we go! Overhand by Nelson misses. Nelson tries for a takedown but is stuffed. Another Nelson takedown stuffed, and Cro Cop lands an uppercut. Clinch by Cro Cop. Nelson trying for another takedown. Clinch by Nelson. Cro Cop now in control. Nice short right by Nelson. Nice uppercut from Cro Cop. Big shots from both in the clinch. They separate. Nelson with another takedown attempt, but blocked again. Cro Cop with a slashing elbow. Liver kick by Cro Cop. Nelson tries for ANOTHER takedown, and is blocked again. Short elbow from Cro Cop. End Round 1. Close round, but Nelson is gassed, and absorbed big shots, so I lean Cro Cop. 10-9 Cro Cop
ROUND TWO: Another stuffed takedown attempt. Overhand by Nelson just misses. Roy fails another takedown attempt. Cro Cop with a big left knee to the body of Nelson. A big elbow from Cro Cop in clinch. BIG left uppercut from Cro Cop. Clinch breaks. Nice leg kick by Cro Cop. And another. Nice left from Cro Cop. ANOTHER Nelson takedown attempt blocked. Cro Cop in clinch. Big shots to the gut of Nelson. Nice right from Nelson. HUGE leg kick to Nelson. Another failed Nelson takedown. Uppercut from Cro Cop in clinch. Huge uppercut just misses Cro Cop. Both men swing. End Round 2. 20-18 Cro Cop
ROUND THREE: Nelson gassed, but Cro Cop seems tired as well. Left leg kick stumbles Nelson. Another leg kick. Another failed takedown by Nelson. Jabs from both. Another leg kick hurts Nelson. Cro Cop stuffs another Nelson takedown attempt. Nelson fails yet again on another takedown attempt. Jab to the forehead of Nelson. Another blocked takedown. Heads clash. Nelson fails another takedown. Body shot from Cro Cop, and Nelson FINALLY lands a takedown. Cro Cop just holding Roy Nelson. Nelson not throwing anything. End Round 3. I think Cro Cop won, but you could give Round 3 to Roy Nelson. 29-28 Cro Cop
Result: Judges Scorecards- (30-27) (29-28 x2) for winner by Unanimous Decision Mirko Cro Cop
Analysis: A mediocre fight. Nothing special. The judges got this one right, and Cro Cop looks good for 44. Still looks roided to me, but time will tell. I would absolutely LOVE Cro Cop vs Fedor, so Bellator, please make the fight! Not really a legit fight for either besides each other, and this sells seats, and draws viewers, so lets see it!
(5) Michael Page vs. Paul Daley (Welterweight World Grand Prix First Round)
Prediction: MVP wins via 2nd Round TKO, or Daley 1st Round KO
ROUND ONE: Here we go! Body shot from MVP. Jab by MVP. Leg kick by MVP. Flying knee attempt. End Round 1. Daley through 1 strike, MVP 7, landing 3 strikes. 10-9 MVP
ROUND TWO: Missed leg kick by Daley. Front kick by MVP. Daley misses a takedown. Daley clinches MVP. Knee from MVP. MVP continues to stuff Daley. MVP separates. Daley lands a takedown. MVP against the cage. Daley lands body strikes. Elbow by Daley. They stand, and Daley hits Page. Page stumbles on the cage. Daley charges but misses. End Round 2. 19-19
ROUND THREE: Leg kick by Page. Nice right from MVP. Jab from MVP. Page keeps faking a knee. Nice right scores for Page. MVP stuffs the takedown. Clinch on the cage. Knee to the chest of Daley. Daley lands a takedown. Daley in full guard. Daley throwing wild, but not landing. Daley with big strikes against the cage. Page back to his feet. 29-28 Daley
ROUND FOUR: Combo from Page. Body shot from Page. Overhand from Page. Daley dives for a takedown, and lands it. MVP landing shots from his back. MVP gets up. A kick from Page. Flying knee from Page which hurts Daley. Clinch. MVP now on top. Nice shot from MVP. Elbows from MVP on the ground. MVP keeps tagging Daley on the floor. End Round 4. 38-38
ROUND FIVE: Knee from MVP. Daley takes down MVP. Daley continues to stall. Elbow from MVP. Missed punch by Daley. Daley attempts a guillotine. MVP stands. Takedown reversed. MVP grabs the neck. MVP on the back. MVP landing elbows. More elbows. Daley stands. Daley attempts a takedown, but MVP lands on top. I lean MVP. 48-47 MVP
Result: Judges Scorecards- (48-47 x3) for the winner by Unanimous Decision Michael “Venom” Page
Analysis: The right call was made yet again, and up next we see Douglas Lima vs MVP, May 11th in the co-main event on a card that features Chandler vs Pitbull, MVP vs Lima, Pat Curran vs AJ McKee, and Jake Hager’s return, so a spectacular show to look forward too. Overall, a disappointing fight, which angered me, only for Paul Daley’s hypocritical performance. Daley is well known for complaining about being grounded by Jon Fitch, saying “It isn’t a real fight, real fighters stand up and trade.” That being said, MVP did earn the win, and we most likely will see a rematch at some point.
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