It certainly sounds like Dana White, a cold as ice, business-first-lying-scuff mark on a fresh pair of white boots you bought for your wedding piece of work.
Dana White: Jon Jones failed another test but he’s clean guys I swear; the people will be mad if they don’t get what they’ve been “Jones-ing” for so we can’t drop the fight, let’s move the entire event to another state! People have to rearrange their weekends well I have to rearrange my event. So what they paid for and are expecting an event in Vegas, they’ll have a show in Inglewood!
That’s how the conversation between Dana White and UFC execs went in my mind and how it came across in real life.
I’m sure FOX is glad to be rid of the piss stain that is Dana White and his haphazard booking. We’ve put up with Vince McMahon and his crap for decades but we can’t allow Dana White to do it.
What about the fans, friends, family and of course fighters that planned to be in Las Vegas? Is a meet and greet with a handshake and a smile from Jon Jones supposed to make all of the inconveniences go away? Well the UFC certainly thinks it should.
Well respected members of the MMA community are baffled by all of this. There are just too many quotes to type up. Very few are on board with this decision, obviously.
I suppose we should admire Dana for employing, Jeff Novitzky, the “Golden Snitch” that got Jones to rat on others to get his sentence reduced. The same Jeff Novitzky that says let’s look at the science and listen to the science but says on Joe Rogan’s podcast that he is just the finance guy! If you’re the finance guy why do you have a job in sports health and performance?! Jeff Novitzky is the VP of Athlete Health and Performance for the UFC?!
We all know why he’s really there, it’s to bust people like he did Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong, no science involved at all. He’s an investigator that gets people to turn; now, he’s the UFC’s fixer.
An excerpt from Novitzky on Joe Rogan’s podcast:
“Look, I’m not an expert,” Novitzky said. “I don’t profess to be. My background is in finance and accounting. I traced the money back in the old days, but I know who those experts are out there in the world, and these are them. They’re, by putting these things in writing, putting their reputations on the line now and forever going forward. They’re not going to do something like that because the UFC pays USADA to administer a program or because Jon Jones is a popular fighter and they want to see him fight this weekend. That’s just not the way this world works. … Experts like this are very, very conservative when it comes to talking in absolutes like this. They don’t normally do it.
“These experts said based on these low levels of picograms, there’s no performance-enhancing benefit, and that’s an important point,” Novitzky continued. “Because if you would’ve told UFC, ‘Look, this is still remnants from a year-and-a-half ago, but we can’t rule out that he’s not getting a performance-enhancing benefit from it’ — well, in that instance, I’ll tell you and I stand by this, I would leave this company if somebody told me otherwise. If there was any indication that there would be a benefit from them even though it technically wasn’t a violation, I’m not going to stand by while anybody licenses that guy to fight.”
But you are standing by and you are helping Jones get licensed because you’re in charge of the money Jeff, you said it yourself, you follow the money, you’re no expert, that you know the experts and that they (the scientists) don’t normally do this. That’s because you told them to Jeff, because Jones is a popular fighter and because the UFC pays USADA to test their fighters! Now YOU, the reader, follow the money.
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