April 21, 2019
Yokohama, Japan from Yokohama Arena
Live on FITE.tv (1 AM ET)
Kanako Murata def. Saray Orozco via Submission (Von Flue Choke) Round 2, 7:12
Manel Kape def. Seiichiro Ito via TKO (Punches) Round 2, 8:38
Damien Brown def. Koji Takeda via Unanimous Decision
Kana Watanabe def. Justyna Haba via Unanimous Decision
Mikuru Asakura vs. Luiz Gustavo (Lightweight)
Round 1: Gustavo scores early with a high kick! He follows it up with a flying knee! Asakura scores with a takedown. Gustavo has recovered guard and he has a pair of under hooks. He will get his wish as the ref stands the fighters up… We see a brief break in the action as Asakura gets some time to recovered from an eye poke. Back to the action and Gustavo attempts a flying knee but Asakura times it well and takes his opponent down to the mat. Gustavo has a guillotine from bottom half guard but Asakura doesn’t appear to be in much danger, Gustavo is not controlling he body. The ref stands them up as they get tangled in the ropes and we’re back on the feet. Asakura is looking for a takedown but settles for a body lock as Gustavo leans into the ropes. (Asakura)
Round 2: Gustavo attempts a flying knee out of the gate but again Asakura times it and puts him on his back. Asakura is looking to pass, he’s currently in half guard with three minutes left in the round. Asakura elects to let Gustavo stand and they’re both winging some big shots. Frank Trigg is suggesting that Gustavo is starting to slow down… not sure about that but I guess we’ll see. Asakura lands a big right hand and Gustavo is down! Asakura is looking for the finish but Gustavo is recovering and working to get back to his feet. Asakura takes him down again with a minute and a half left in the round. Luiz Gustavo was just given a yellow card for rolling underneath the ropes to escape some ground and pound… back to the action and Gustavo connects with a big right hand and then a left! Gustavo is connecting with some big shots here! Asakura connected with several nice shots of his own during the final exchange and then ended the round with a left hook. (Asakura)
Round 3: They clashed heads to start the round, both guys appear to be cut from the exchange. Asakura lands a nice left hand that appeared to stun Gustavo a bit! Gustavo is relentless though and he’s still moving forward. Gustavo connects with a knee to the body as they exchange near the ropes. Gustavo connects with a right hook to the body and a big left hand right down the middle! Both guys are throwing power shots with just over a minute left in the round. Asakura scores with a takedown. (Gustavo) All three rounds were close but Asakura seemed to be a bit ahead the whole time.
Result: Mikuru Asakura def. Luiz Gustavo via Unanimous Decision
Rena Kubota def. Samantha Jean-Francois via Unanimous Decision
Karl Albrektsson vs. Christiano Frohlich (Light-heavyweight)
Round 1: Albrektsson connects with a monster kick to the body to get things going… Frohlich was airborne for a moment there… Albrektsson drops down into his opponent’s guard and passes right to half. Albrektsson is looking to stack and he’s landing punches as he works to improve his position. Frohlich is mostly just in defense mode at the moment. Frohlich uses an up kick to create the space to return to his feet. Albrektsson shoots again though as Frohlich moves within range. Frohlich defends though and lands a kick to the body. Frohlich lands a big uppercut and Albrektsson is down! Frohlich is looking to finish but Albrektsson will survive to the bell. (Albrektsson)
Round 2: Lots of quick exchanges to start the round. Albrektsson connects with a kick to the body that causes Frohlich to trip, but he quickly recovers. Albrektsson connects with a right hand, but Frohlich returns one of his own. Frohlich lands a combination with 30 seconds left in the round. Frohlich returns a left hand and then another! (Draw)
Round 3: Albrektsson shoots in the early seconds of the round. He drives Frohlich through the ropes, so we’ll see a reset here. Albrektsson shoots again and gets Frohlich down in the corner. Albrektsson is working from side control. Albrektsson is using the position to land some short shots with roughly two minutes left in the fight. Frohlich is mostly just covering up as best he can, we aren’t seeing him do anything to try to improve his position. (Albrektsson)
Result: Karl Albrektsson def. Christiano Frohlich via Unanimous Decision
Satoru Kitaoka vs. Roberto Souza (Catchweight 71kg)
Round 1: They exchange right hands to get things started. This is the 70th pro fight for Kitaoka and just the 8th for Souza. Souza is looking for a takedown but Kitaoka has an under hook and he attempts a guillotine but Souza scrambles through it and they’re back on the feet. Souza is bleeding very badly from above his left eye, I’ll need a replay to see what caused it. We have a break in the action while the doctors look at the cut. Kitaoka is looking for a takedown and gets it. He passes Souza’s guard and then stands up. Good strategy by Kitaoka so far, his experience is an obvious advantage for him here tonight. Souza throws a Headkick and it JUST misses Kitaoka… that was a close one. Souza is starting to throw more volume but Kitaoka is running him down with hooks. Souza is landing more though, he’s opting for jabs and straight punches. (Kitaoka after 1)
Round 2: Kitaoka shoots for a takedown but Souza falls against the ropes. Kitaoka readjusts and takes Souza down. Kitaoka attempts a soccer kick but Souza gets a hold of his leg and attempts a heel hook. Kitaoka escapes the leg attack but Souza takes his back. Kitaoka is okay so far though but Souza has transitioned to mount and he’s in a sort of stacked mount type thing… you’d have to see it. The refs seen enough and stands the fighters up. Kitaoka attacks with a right hook but Souza returns a jab and then a series of shots ending with a right straight that knocks Kitaoka down and out!
Result: Roberto Souza def. Satoru Kitaoka via KO (Punches) Round 2
Ben Nyugen vs. Kyoji Horiguchi (Bantamweight)
Round 1: Horiguchi is having success with his jab so far in this first round. Nyugen is chasing but Horiguchi is clearly faster and he’s proving difficult to hit. Horiguchi lands a right hand Nyugen is down! He’s up but Horiguchi knocks him down again with another right hand! Nyugen is in trouble here! Horiguchi is swarming him with punches on the ground and its all over! Kyoji Horiguchi is now 9-0 in Rizin, and you have to go back to 2015 to find his last loss.
Result: Kyoji Horiguchi def. Ben Nyugen via TKO (Punches) Round 1… Rizin doesn’t do a great job of making it clear what time the fights end… either that or I just keep missing it.
Post-fight: It was announced that Rizin is working on booking a rematch between Horiguchi and Darrion Caldwell in Bellator for the Bellator Bantamweight Championship.
Tenshin Nasukawa def. Fritz Biagtan via TKO, Round 2 (Kickboxing Rules)
Jiri Prochazka def. Muhammad Lawal via TKO (Punches) Round 3 to win the Rizin FF LHW Championship
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