AUGUST 26, 2016
Problems with my feed prevented me from seeing the first fight.
Winner: Roberts via TKO at 4:24 of round one via strikes.
ROUND ONE: The fight starts with both fighters feeling each other out. Machida looks just like his brother in the karateka stance. Machida is throwing kicks then drops Navarro midway through the round with a nice right hand. Navarro weathers the early storm. After a right hand over the top Machida lands a big right uppercut and Navarro is down again. Navarro turtles up and the fight is stopped. All Machida here.
Winner: Machida via TKO, 2:57 of round 1 (strikes)
ROUND ONE: A minute in Segura lands a nice right that staggers Rosales, but he recovers quickly. Segura with some front kicks that don’t do any damage. Four minutes in Rosales lands a nice right hand over the top that drops Segura. After a few unsuccessful leg lock submission attempts from Rosales the round ends.
10-9 Rosales
Round TWO: Rosales continues to be the aggressor to start the second round. Oddly Segura, the taller fighter can’t seem to find his range. Rosales continues to beat Segura to the punch as Segura’s nose is bleeding. Rosales continues forward throwing kicks and punches, and is in control of the fight as the round comes to an end.
Rosales 10-9
ROUND THREE: Segura needs to change things up, but halfway through the round and nothing’s changed. Segura remains a half step behind. Four minutes into the final round Segura decides to increase his activity, but it’s too late. The fight ends with Rosales in side control.
Entertaining fight that Jacob Rosales looked really impressive in.
10-9 Rosales
Winner: Rosales by UD (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)
ROUND ONE: After a minute of each fighter being cautious, Murad gets a takedown a minute and a half in and works ground and pound. Cisneros is up at 2:40. Just under two minutes in Cisneros is taken down again, but is back up quickly. Murad lands a few knees with Cisneros back to the cage which does little damage. The round ends with both fighters in the center of the cage.
Murad 10-9
ROUND TWO: Cisneros comes out quickly to start the round but is taken down at 4:05. Cisneros is warned for hitting the back of the head while on his back. Cisneros gets back to his feet and is taken down again. Murad is doing an excellent job controlling Cisneros. Murad lands some hard shots. Cisneros lands a few of own while defending another takedown attempt from Murad as the round ends. Cisneros looks gassed.
Murad 10-9
ROUND THREE: Murad starts the last round looking fresher than Cisneros. Big left hand from Cisneros hurts Murad but Cisneros is unable to capitalize on it. Another takedown for Murad with 2:40 and administers more ground and pound. At 1:30 the ref stands them up and Murad immediately goes for another takedown. It looks like Murad got his nose broken towards the end of the fight as Cisneros was landing some shots while backed up against the cage. Murad comes back and ends the fight in top control.
Cisneros 10-9
Winner: Murad by UD (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
ROUND ONE: Nice takedown by Trinidad at 4:26 but Green is up immediately. Trinidad trips Green to the mat and Green is up quickly again. Trinidad takes a short knee to the mid-section. Green lands a few knees and a combination. Trinidad gets a takedown at 1:49 and takes Green’s back. Green doesn’t panic and is up with less than a minute left. The round ends as both men grapple for position.
Trinidad 10-9
ROUND TWO: Trinidad takes Green down a minute in and takes full mount but doesn’t do any damage. Both fighters are up and Green pushes Trinidad against the cage and lands a big right uppercut. Trinidad is hurt and goes down. Green finishes by reigning punches down onto Trinidad.
Winner: Green by TKO 2:01 into round 2 (strikes)
ROUND ONE: Davis drops Cutrone a minute in with a big left hook. but lets him back up. Davis is landing hard shots, but never follows them up. Cutrone continues to chase Davis around the cage and continues to pay for it by getting tagged repeatedly. Davis gets his first takedown with ten seconds left in the round. All Joey Davis in the round.
Davis 10-9
ROUND TWO: Nice combination from Davis at 4:15 of the round. Cutrone throws a kick and continues to chase Davis. Davis with a takedown at 2:32 and follows up with some nice ground and pound against the cage. Big John stands them up with 23 seconds left and that’s how the round ends.
Davis 10-9
ROUND THREE: Another takedown for Davis at 4:38, and more ground and pound. Big John stands them up 2:32 and Davis takes Cutrone down yet again. Davis has had top control for just about the entire round, even if his offense isn’t doing much. The fighters are stood up again with 40 seconds left and Cutrone finds himself on his back seconds later. The fight ends with Davis in top position. While not the most exciting fight it was a solid debut for Joey Davis.
Davis 10-9
Winner: Davis by UD (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
(1) A.J. MCKEE vs. CODY WALKER (Featherweight Division)
ROUND ONE: Both fighters come out swinging. McKee is clearly landing more shots. McKee takes top position and Walker tries unsuccessfully for an armbar. McKee is landing strikes and elbows and tries for a triangle choke. He goes back to landing big shots while ending the round in top position. Wow, I thought the fight was going to end at some point in that round. I’m impressed with Walker’s toughness, as he took some heavy shots.
McKee 10-9
ROUND TWO: McKee starts the second round the same way he started the first; landing a kick and then a big right. McKee gets a takedown and settles in a guillotine. He moves to mount and gets Walker to tap. No surprise here. McKee is a contender.
Winner: McKee by submission
(2) BUBBA JENKINS vs. GEORGI KARAKHANYAN (Featherweight Division)
ROUND ONE: Bubba Jenkins comes out active throwing kicks. Karakhanyan sees a front kick coming, catches it, and then while releasing Jenkins’ foot lands a huge right hand and Bubba is out before hitting the mat. Georgi lands a few more shots for good measure before Blake Grice can step in and stop it. Wow, that is not how I saw that fight going. That was impressive.
Winner: Karakhanyan by TKO
(3) SAAD AWAD vs. DEREK ANDERSON (Lightweight Division)
ROUND ONE: The action starts out fast and furious with Awad getting the better of the exchange landing a big right hand. Awad gets Anderson to the mat and looks for a guillotine. Anderson gets out of the choke as Awad lands a few more shots. Awad looks good in the early going landing kicks and punches. Awad gets another takedown as Derek looks to apply a triangle while on his back. Anderson attempts another submission as the round comes to an end.
Awad 10-9
ROUND TWO: Anderson starts the round with a nice combination and kicks. Anderson seems to have figured out Awad’s timing as his activity level is noticeably higher. Awad takes a few elbows as Anderson is on his back. Derek tries briefly for a choke. Anderson is doing an excellent job of controlling Awad through the latter part of the round. The round comes to an end with Anderson in control. Excellent fight so far, with each fighter winning a round.
Anderson 10-9
ROUND THREE: Anderson starts the round the busier, fresher fighter. As the round progresses he’s slowly taking control of the fight. Awad comes back mid-way through the round with a hard right. Anderson a hard knee with his back on the cage and Anderson is out of there. Awad follows up with a nice takedown. Anderson is up and the fight ends with both fighters looking to gain position. An excellent fight.
Anderson 10-9
Winner: Anderson by UD (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
ROUND ONE: Henderson comes out throwing kicks, which Freire is ready for and catches while tossing Ben to the mat. A very slow start as both fighters are feeling each other out. The crowd is getting restless as Freire lands a few kicks and punches. So far nothing that has been thrown by either fighter has anything behind it. Henderson seems out of sorts as the round comes to an end. The crowd is booing loudly at this point and I don’t blame them.
ROUND TWO: Round two starts with Henderson and Freire trading kicks. After a nice combination Freire has Ben down on the mat. While on the ground Henderson looks for a kimura to no avail. With both fighters standing, Freire seems to turn awkwardly. He turns his back to Henderson and quits fighting. With his back to Ben, Big John steps in to call the fight off. I’m not sure what caused Freire to stop fighting. It looks like his knee may have gone out somehow.
Winner: Henderson by TKO early in the second round.
Grocke’s Analysis: What an unfortunate way for the fight to end. It wasn’t a good fight up until the stoppage as neither fighter did anything to take control of the fight. While I’m a big fan of Benson Henderson, his brief tenure in Bellator has not been impressive. His next fight will be for Michael Chandler’s Lightweight Title, which quite frankly I don’t think he deserves yet.
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