Don Frye thinks Brock Lesnar’s going to get his head kicked off by Mark Hunt at UFC 200

By Jamie Penick, MMATorch Editor-in-Chief

Brock Lesnar (artist Grant Gould © MMATorch)

The always outspoken Don Frye is going into the UFC Hall of Fame on July 10 as a part of their “Pioneer” wing. That ceremony comes a day after UFC 200 in Las Vegas, which as we found out last week will feature the return of Brock Lesnar against Mark Hunt.

Frye commented on that bout in an interview with Submission Radio, and he doesn’t seem to believe Lesnar’s got much of a chance in that fight.

“Oh my god… why?” Frye said when asked about Lesnar returning. “Why – since Mark Hunt is going to destroy him. So it’s going to be such a fun fight to watch Mark kick his head off. So I’m looking forward to it.

“Oh Mark’s an animal. Yeah he’s an animal. I mean, god damn, he’s one of the better fighters walking the planet. You know and he’s got the strength and the speed and the skill, and s***, he’s like ten-foot-tall and bullet proof.”

Still, Frye gives Lesnar credit for actually accepting the bout in the first place, and has at least some modicum of respect for the returning former Champion.

“Yeah, you know, I was with everybody else. I thought they were going to give him some fish,” Frye said. “Who’s that pro wrestler (CM Punk) that keeps bailing out of his fight all the time? Yeah, I mean, give him CM Punk (laughs) or somebody worse than that. But jeez, I gotta give it to Lesnar for accepting the fight. First you gotta step into the cage first, and then I’ll give the guy all the credit in the world just for being man enough to let that door close behind him.”

Penick’s Analysis: Given his description of Hunt it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Frye was thinking about some other fighter here. Regardless, it’s not a shocking take to believe Lesnar won’t win, and it’s certainly far from Frye’s most incendiary opinions. Now we’ll just have to see if he can keep himself from bringing in any overly unneeded negative attention in the month leading into his induction.

[Brock Lesnar art by Grant Gould (c)]

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