Despite his checkered past, former NFL star Greg Hardy is now 5-1 in MMA. Is it time to take him seriously?
Frank Hyden MMATorch Columnist
No, not quite yet. I want to see Greg Hardy fight a tougher opponent first. I want to see him face a little adversity, I want to see how he responds to that. He needs to fight a top 10 or at least a top 15 opponent next. He needs to be done fighting these unproven guys and move on to facing contenders. If he fights and beats one of those guys, then we can start taking him more seriously.
Sean Covington MMATorch Contributor
Sure, why not? There is a lot of talk about Derrick Lewis shutting Greg Hardy down but I just don’t see that happening. Greg Hardy loves to beat people up and he’s pretty good at it. People keep talking crap to him and he keeps shutting them up. Maybe if guys go out there and do their job instead of making it personal, Hardy will finally take an L. Give him a top fighters, it’s the heavyweight division, it’s never too early to let someone get wrecked by a top guy.
Michael Hiscoe MMATorch Columnist
Yeah, we definitely need to start taking Greg Hardy seriously. Juan Adams is a credible enough opponent, and Hardy handled him easily enough where you have to figure he’s going to be a player in the UFC heavyweight division. At the beginning of the year in our bold predictions for 2019 roundtable, I predicted that Hardy would be a top ten heavyweight by year’s end. I’m not convinced that it will come true, but he’s awfully close.
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