Assume BJ Penn insists on fighting again and that UFC isn’t going to cut him. What do you do with him?
Frank Hyden, Columnist – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
About the only thing they could really do is put him in there with guys that it’s questionable whether they should even be in the sport of MMA. Penn is not going to beat most of the fighters in the UFC. He might be able to beat some of these guys who are just starting out but that’s about it. I don’t think there’s anything else you could do, except have him fight guys just starting out.
Sean Covington, Columnist – Covington’s Corner
You start to job out BJ Penn to up and coming fighters to give their career a boost. BJ Penn is just a glorified punching bag now, the only way he is useful is to help someone else out. I wouldn’t mind giving him a shot on commentary for a Fight Night or two just to get what I can out of him. Maybe let BJ Penn do some post-fight interviews or something backstage.
Michael Hiscoe, MMATorch Managing Editor
The only thing UFC can do with BJ Penn that would be remotely interesting to me is to put him up against CM Punk. Penn has shown so little in his SEVEN consecutive losses that we need to go as far down the talent food chain as we can to find him a viable opponent. It also helps that CM Punk brings some name value. I don’t know if UFC has any interest in using Punk again, but if they do, this is the way to put both of these problematic fighters to good use. The only stipulation is that the loser HAS to leave UFC for good.
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