COVINGTON’S CORNER: On Cain Velasquez signing with AAA

By Sean Covington, MMATorch Columnist

Cain is able

After a devastating loss to Francis “one note” Ngannou, Cain Velasquez has reemerged with new purpose and possibly, in a new career.

At this year’s Triplemania press conference for Mexican Lucha Libre company AAA, Velasquez announced he will be making his pro wrestling debut. The former UFC heavyweight champion is signed for a match at Triplemania on Aug. 3 where he will face one of three opponents: Texano, Psycho Clown, or Pentagon Jr. Pentagon Jr also offered to be in a tag team with Velasquez. I personally would like to see him go up against Psycho Clown.

The American born Velasquez has deep Mexican roots. His father came to the U.S. from Mexico as an undocumented immigrant and met his mother in California. Velasquez donned a Lucha mask of his own during the faceoff but I’m not sure whether he would wrestle as a heel or a face but I am partial to El Rudos.

Last June, Velasquez trained in WWE’s performance center for a bit and I knew something big would come out of that short moment in time. There is no reason for people to go to the performance center to train unless they have a bit of the wrestling bug. Velasquez has a win over WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar in the octagon and has been a huge wrestling fan along with his close friend and teammate Daniel Cormier for years. Velasquez is considered one of the UFC’s greatest heavyweight champions of all time so there is a built-in story that can told in the ring. Cain is on record saying that WWE is fake so I guess his match with Mayor Kane (Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs)  won’t be taking place at Wrestlemania this year, but there’s always next year!


Whether it’s a one show deal or an eight year deal, Cain Velasquez stepping into professional wrestling is a very big deal. This opens the door for more prominent MMA figures to crossover into the sport of pro wrestling. Frank Mir is supposedly making his pro wrestling debut in April and so many other have had conversations about lacing up their boots. The question is who will be next? Conor McGregor? The Diaz brothers? Daniel Cormier? Who knows? The most important thing is that the jump is being made from sport to sport a lot more these days and it is a welcomed change by both MMA and pro-wrestling fans. If Velasquez is successful which he is almost sure to be given his extensive background in wrestling and MMA, it could pave the way for other top talents to make an in-ring debut somewhere down the line in their professional careers.

As for Velasquez, his journey begins on August 3, 2019, at Arena Ciudad in Mexico City.

2 Comments on COVINGTON’S CORNER: On Cain Velasquez signing with AAA

  1. “undocumented immigrant” makes it sound like they just don’t have their documents. His father was an illegal immigrant, he was a criminal.

    • I added that line and stand by it. “Illegal immigrant” is a contradiction of terms. I am also not aware what the U.S. immigration laws were in the 1980s.

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