Who do you think will win Liddell vs. Ortiz III and how do you think it will do on pay-per-view?
Sean Covington, Columnist – Covington’s Corner
I think that the PPV numbers will be okay, lower than expected but when put in a proper perspective the numbers won’t be so bad. I think Tito Ortiz will knock Chuck Liddell out; Chuck’s cage rust is going to be too much for him to overcome. Tito needs this and understands that he has to finish the Iceman. Liddell looked really bad on his way out but still has that knockout power in there somewhere. Tito is going to have to play it safe and rely on his speed until he can catch Chuck off guard.
Christian Moore, MMATorch Contributor
I don’t really like Tito, yet I find myself both thinking he wins, and hoping he wins. I think he wins because Tito has fought more recently and isn’t as washed up as Chuck. I think he gets it done by 1st round submission. I also hope Tito wins, because I don’t think he’ll knock Chuck out, and I don’t want to see Chuck KO’d again. Tito will tap him out. What worries me is it Chuck wins, he’ll fight again, and eventually, he will get KO’d brutally, and I just don’t want to see that. I think the pay per view does poorly, because I don’t think many people want to see that fight.
Frank Hyden, Columnist – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Editor’s note: Frank’s response was submitted before the cancellation of the Black Friday sale.
I think Ortiz wins by submission in the first round, as I think Liddell is completely shot whereas Ortiz is only partially shot. I think this fight bombs on pay-per-view, even with their little Black Friday sale which requires you to jump through a few hoops like signing up for a website and creating an account. It’s definitely worth it, as it drops the price from $50 to $20, which is what the starting price should have been, to begin with. How many people are going to pay $50 to see two old guys fight? $20 is much better, but even that’s too much. At least it’s in that impulse buy range, especially if you have a bunch of people over. I think Tiger vs. Phil gets way more buys because at least those guys are still relevant in their sport.
Michael Hiscoe, MMATorch Managing Editor
I think Tito Ortiz knocks Chuck Liddell out, probably in the second round. I think Ortiz will be tentative to start but will gain some confidence once he sees that Liddell has nothing for him. As for the pay-per-view, I expect this show to bomb badly. With the lack of promotion and the bungled Black Friday sale, the show is doomed. I think 10,000 buys is a reasonable expectation.
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