Do you agree that Brock Lesnar is a tougher fight for Daniel Cormier than Derrick Lewis was?
Sean Covington, Columnist – Covington’s Corner
Brock Lesnar absolutely is a tougher fight for Cormier. People forget who Brock Lesnar is because he wrestles for WWE. People think he is somehow less legitimate because of this. Brock knocked out Randy Couture when he was champ with a glancing blow. The strength and power of Brock is not to be taken lightly.
Frank Hyden, Columnist – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
In a sense because his wrestling is better, but he’s also not the striker Lewis is so it’s kind of a wash. He poses more of a threat grappling but there’s little danger of Cormier getting knocked out. I would say it’s different but equally as tough, or not tough if that’s the way you want to look at it. I think the chances Cormier finishes Lesnar are about the same time as he did Lewis, and likely in a similar fashion.
Michael Hiscoe, MMATorch Managing Editor
There are so many question marks when it comes to Brock Lesnar. Lesnar’s wrestling credentials and ability are miles ahead of Derrick Lewis’. But at 41, how effective will his wrestling be? On top of that, Daniel Cormier’s wrestling credentials outrank those of Lesnar, so I don’t think it’s fair to say Lesnar will be able to out-grapple Cormier the way he did Mark Hunt. The other question that has to be asked is will Lesnar be clean? And if he is, will he be as effective? Taking all of these things into consideration, Lesnar may actually be less of a threat to Cormier than Lewis was. Lewis at least had a puncher’s chance. Lesnar’s best path to victory is on the ground, and I don’t see him getting it done there.
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