Devin Powell vs. Alvaro Herrera (Lightweight/155)
Round 1: Sloppy fight early on. Herrera lands a hard body shot that knocks Powell to the ground but he’s right back up. Powell lands a hard kick to the body and Herrera is hurt! Powell lands a second kick and Herrera is down and he is badly hurt! This fight is over! Devastating body work there by Devin Powell!
Result: Devin Powell def. Alvaro Herrera via TKO (Liver Kick) Round 1, 1:52
(12) Randa Markos vs. (13) Nina Ansaroff (Strawweight/115)
Round 1: Markos is working hard for a takedown early. Ansaroff is using the fence for balance but Markos gets her down anyway. Markos is landing shots from the half guard position. Ansaroff has given up her back and Markos is looking for a rear naked choke. Ansaroff recovers guard but Markos is glued to her. Ansaroff briefly went for a triangle but couldn’t find anything. Markos is landing some shots from inside Ansaroff’s guard. Ansaroff kicks off the hips and manages to get back to her feet with 25 seconds left in the round. (10-9 Markos) She controlled the round with her wrestling and has a clear path to victory if Ansaroff can’t figure out how to stop those takedowns.
Round 2: Ansaroff lands a nice low kick to start the round. She lands another, and Markos does not like these. Ansaroff lands a hard head kick. She is controlling this round completely. Markos rushes in with a flurry of strikes and lands a few on the chin. She briefly forces the fight against the cage but Ansaroff quickly escapes back to the center of the cage. (10-9 Ansaroff) The low kicks seemed to damage Markos early and she was forced to stand up for the entire round. This is a clear-cut case of a striker vs. a grappler. Whoever can make this fight their own will be the winner.
Round 3: Ansaroff is using her jabs and low kicks to throw off the pressure styled attack of Randa Markos. Markos looked to close the distance but Ansaroff shrugged her off. Markos is way to content to stand and trade with Ansaroff, she just isn’t going to win this type of fight. Ansaroff lands a hard 1,2 and then another. Markos grabs an under hook but Ansaroff escapes back to the center. Markos shoots for a desperation single but Ansaroff just steps right out of it. (10-9 Ansaroff) (29-28 Ansaroff) Ansaroff figured out a solution to the takedowns that plagued her in the first round and I think she did enough to earn a win here tonight.
Result: Nina Ansaroff def. Randa Markos via Unanimous Decision
Dustin Ortiz vs. Matheus Nicolau (Flyweight/125)
Round 1: Good back and forth action early. Ortiz is looking to set up a head kick. He lands it! Nicolau is down and Ortiz is swarming him! Its all over!
Result: Dustin Ortiz def. Matheus Nicolau via TKO (Head kick and Punches) Round 1, 3:49
(3) Alexis Davis vs. (7) Katlyn Chookagian (Flyweight/125)
Round 1: They’re exchanging early. Chookagian is landing lots of jab but Davis is having some success with her outside low kicks. Davis lands a left hook as the round comes to close. Good back and forth round. (10-9 Chookagian) Chookagian is landing more shots but Davis might be doing more damage with her kicks. The second round will be interesting.
Round 2: Davis seems to be a bit more aggressive in this round. She opens things up with a couple of big swinging hooks. Nice body shot lands for Davis. Chookagian lands with a side kick to the body. Davis continues to land leg kicks. Davis is doing a better job of closing the distance in this round. Hard low kick lands for Davis. Chookagian’s jab is very good and its starting to bust Davis up. She is bleeding around both eyes. Davis lands a right hand and body kick combination. Chookagian catches a low kick but can’t do anything with it. Front kick to the chest lands for Chookagian as the rounds ends. (10-9 Davis) She is using her low kicks well and when she can get around the jab she is landing some hard hooks to Chookagian’s face. Chookagian tried a lot of counter striking in the round but took some hard shots because of it.
Round 3: Davis swarmed early but Chookagian countered with a straight and Davis appeared to be hurt. Short jab lands for Chookagian. Davis is walking forward and throwing hooks but Chookagian is getting to her first with her jabs and straights. Davis attempted a single leg but Chookagian managed to shake it. Davis lands with another hard-low kick. Davis is starting to miss with a lot of her shots. Chookagian appears pretty fresh with 2 minutes left in the round. Davis shoots for a takedown with less than 30 seconds left and she completes it. That could be crucial in what has been a very close round. (10-9 Chookagian) (29-28 Chookagian) This was a very close fight and the judging could go either way. Davis took some hard shots despite her success and while it was close I think the countering in the third round should win her the fight.
Result: Katlyn Chookagian def. Alexis Davis via Unanimous Decision
John Makdessi vs. Ross Pearson (Lightweight/155)
Round 1: Makdessi lands a nice short left hook to start the round. Good back and forth round so far. Makdessi lands a hard over hand right with about a minute left in the round. Makdessi connects with another short-left hook. (10-9 Makdessi) Good and even round. Makdessi is just a bit quicker though and he’s countering a lot of what Pearson is doing with his accuracy and speed.
Round 2: Makdessi connects early with a short-left hook. He’s used that particular punch very well tonight. Pearson connects with a nice jab but aside from his jabs he is having a hard time connecting with anything of note. Makdessi counters a hard-left hook with a straight right. Pearson connects with a hard body kick. Good exchange in the center. Pearson connected with something, but it was hard to see what it was. Makdessi whiffs on a spinning back fist but follows it up with that familiar left hook and it finds a home. Pearson is busted open. He’s rushing into Makdessi and is paying for it. Pearson connects with a left hook as the round ends. (10-9 Makdessi) Makdessi is quicker and more accurate and as Pearson tires those advantages only grow. Pearson needs a finish or he’s going to be looking at a loss on the scorecards.
Round 3: Makdessi connects early with a groin kick and we see a break in the action. Pearson is having a rough night. Back to the action and Pearson lands a hard-left hook! He follows it up with a double leg attempt but Makdessi makes it to the fence. Back to the center and Makdessi connects with a right hook. They’re just slugging it out at this point. Makdessi is still very accurate though. Pearson lands with a hard-low kick. Makdessi’s jab has been the story of this fight. Pearson is a mess. Makdessi is landing shot after shot after shot! Pearson scores with a trip but Makdessi pops right back up! Great fight. (10-9 Makdessi) (30-27 Makdessi) Makdessi just had better timing, and pretty much everything else but Pearson is a very tough dude and he deserves every dollar that he makes for this fight and more. As for Makdessi he has never looked better and that’s 3 wins’ in his last four fights if he gets this decision.
Result: John Makdessi def. Ross Pearson via Unanimous Decision
Fox Prelims
Ion Cutelaba vs. (15) Gadzhimurad Antigulov (Light-Heavyweight/205)
Round 1: Gadzhimurad scores with a takedown early. He is controlling the action but Cutelaba is working. Back on the feet and Gadzhimurad appears to be tired. Cutelaba has him against the fence and he is landing some hard uppercuts and it’s all over!
Result: Ion Cutelaba def. Gadzhimurad Antigulov via TKO (Punches) Round 1, 4:25
Kajan Johnson vs. Islam Makhachev (Lightweight/155)
Round 1: Makhachev is stalking Johnson early. He grabs a body lock, but Johnson swims right out of it and we’re back in the center. Makhachev scores with a double leg and moves into mount from a sort of quarter mount position. Johnson is attempting to buck but Makhachev has control of one of his arms which will make it hard for him to escape this position. Makhachev is attacking with an armbar and its deep and its over! Once Makhachev scored with the takedown he kept hold of at least one of Johnsons limbs at all times rendering Johnson essentially helpless. Great stuff there by the Dagestani fighter.
Result: Islam Makhachev def. Kajan Johnson via Submission (Armbar) Round 1, 4:43
Hakeem Dawodu def. Austin Arnett via Unanimous Decision
Jordan Mein def. Alex Morono via Unanimous Decision
Fox Main Card
Olivier Aubin-Mercier vs. Alex Hernandez (Lightweight/155)
Round 1: Both guys connect early with left hooks. Aubin-Mercier grabs a clinch, but Hernandez separates and lands a few hard shots before closing the distance. Hernandez is looking for a takedown against the fence, but Aubin-Mercier is making him work for it. Hernandez lands a hard-right hand. Hopefully he has good cardio because he is rushing into everything. Hernandez completes a takedown as the round ends. (10-9 Hernandez) If Hernandez can keep his current pace then he is going to be a handful in this division.
Round 2: Hernandez moves in for a takedown early, but Aubin-Mercier follows him down and winds up on top. Aubin-Mercier is attacking the left arm with a straight armbar, but he mostly just used it to advance position. He moves into side control, but Hernandez quickly recovers guard. Aubin-Mercier is looking for a kneebar, but Hernandez is defending. Hernandez briefly escapes the position, but Aubin-Mercier pulls guard and they’re right back on the ground. The ref steps in and we see a stand up. Back to the action and Hernandez shoots for a takedown against the fence. Nice combo lands for Hernandez, a few knees and punches. (10-9 Hernandez) Good back and forth round but the control on the ground should win it for Aubin-Mercier.
Round 3: Hernandez lands a knee to the groin early, so we see a break in the action. Back to the fight and Hernandez scores with a takedown. Aubin-Mercier recovers guard and ties Hernandez up. He needs a finish I think. The ref steps in again and we see another stand up. Back to the action and Aubin-Mercier attacks for a takedown but just can’t find it and Hernandez ends up scoring a takedown of his own. Aubin-Mercier sweeps and gets back to his feet with one and a half minutes left in the round. Aubin-Mercier completes a double leg takedown and he is now in top position with one-minute left in the fight. Hernandez is looking to create some separation and does. Hernandez has the back with 30 seconds left in the fight! (10-9 Hernandez) (30-27 Hernandez) Hernandez just proved that his explosive KO win over Beneil Dariush was not luck. He definitely has the skills to back up his confidence. Aubin-Mercier just couldn’t keep up and was out worked from start to finish.
Result: Alexander Hernandez def. Olivier Aubin-Mercier via Unanimous Decision
(1) Joanna Jedrzejczyk vs. (5) Tecia Torres (Strawweight/115)
Round 1: Torres closes the distance early and forces the fight against the fence. Joanna has an under hook and lands a hard knee before reversing the position. Tecia Torres circles Joanna back against the fence but she really isn’t doing anything aside from holding on and looking to control. Joanna still has that under hook though and is using it to land some hard knee to the body of Tecia Torres. Lots of fence fighting so far. Joanna lands a solid elbow against the cage, she is on total control with her clinch right now. Hard knee lands for the former champion but Torres catches it and is trying to complete a single leg but can’t as the round ends. (10-9 Jedrzejczyk) She struggled at times with the pressure from Tecia Torres but as the round progressed she started landing shots in the clinch and gaining control of the wrestling exchanges.
Round 2: Joanna connects with a hard-low kick to start the round. Torres is playing a very dangerous game by engaging Joanna on the feet. Joanna is attacking the legs and body of her opponent which is perfect for effecting the offensive abilities of a fighter with a skill set like Torres. Torres grabs a leg for a single, but Joanna falls back against the fence and is now maintaining her position. Torres is working so hard for a takedown, but Joanna just won’t give it up. Her hips are proving very hard for Torres to control. (10-9 Jedrzejczyk)
Round 3: More of the same through-out the third round. Joanna just displayed superior takedown defense and clinch ability. (10-9 Jedrzejczyk) (30-27 Jedrzejczyk)
Result: Joanna Jedrzejczyk def. Tecia Torres via Unanimous Decision
(2) Jose Aldo vs. (4) Jeremy Stephens (Featherweight/145)
Round 1: They are exchanging early! Stephens hurt Aldo with a right hand! Aldo is wobbly! Aldo lands a big left hand to the body and Stephens is down! Stephens is hurt, and Aldo is landing big shots on the ground! Its over! Incredible fight!
Result: Jose Aldo def. Jeremy Stephens via TKO (Punch to body) Round 1, 4:19
(3) Eddie Alvarez vs. (4) Dustin Poirier (Lightweight/155)
Round 1: Poirier lands a low kick early that knocks Alvarez off balance. Left hand lands for Poirier. Poirier is holding the center right now and using his jab to keep Alvarez from landing much. Poirier lands a left hook as the round ends. (10-9 Poirier) Poirier was the aggressor and kept the pressure up all round. Alvarez never looked comfortable, but we still have four rounds to go.
Round 2: Alvarez tries forcing the fight against the fence early, but Poirier grabs his neck and pulls guard with a guillotine! Alvarez is in trouble here! He briefly escapes but falls right into another one! Alvarez escapes again. I wish I had more time to explain these escapes because they’re great and I recommend watching this fight. Alvarez has the back, Poirier rolls but Alvarez is still in mount. He just threw a 12-6 elbow and the ref stops the fight and separates them after warning Alvarez. Tough break for him. Poirier attacks with punches and Alvarez is badly hurt! Poirier is turning it up! Alvarez is out! Wow that was a crazy fight! Poirier landed a left hook, and uppercut and then another big left hand and then just swarmed Alvarez!
Result: Dustin Poirier def. Eddie Alvarez via TKO (Punches) Round 2, 4:05
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