
SEPTEMBER 10, 2016
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland for UFC 203! We will be with you tonight and keeping you up to date on everything going on. We have a huge heavyweight title fight between the hometown hero/champion Stipte Miocic and the Demolition Man himself Alistair Overeem. Before that is a rematch between former champ Fabricio Werdum and Travis Browne. Oh, and by the way, CM Punk finally steps into the Octagon tonight to show if he has what it takes to be a fighter. Check back to this article for live coverage all night of this event! Hit refresh for updates after each fight once the show starts.
Fight Pass Prelim
Quick update, due to losing the Borg-McCall and Dollaway-Barroso fight, there will be only one fight on Fight Pass tonight, Yancy Medrios vs. Sean Spencer.
1. Yancy Medeiros vs. Sean Spencer (170 lbs)
Result. Medeiros via rear-naked choke at 0:49 of Round 2.
Peterson’s Analysis: Fun fight for the first round. Wicked head kick from Medeiros that knocked Spencer silly. Medeiros went for the guillotine right away that Spencer escaped but Medeiros was lightning fast and locked in the RNC immediately. Medeiros has a few holes in his game yet but it’s a great win for him in his welterweight debut.
Rogan and Goldberg plug the Punk-Gall fight some more as if there was anything left to really discuss. We’ve seen him train, we’ve heard the trash talk and the hype. All we want is that fight and then we can return to our Internet trolling.
FS1 Prelims
2. Drew Dober vs. Jason Gonzalez (155 lbs)
Result: Dober via TKO at 1:45 of Round 1.
Peterson’s Analysis: Missed most of this fight due to technical issues but caught the finishing sequence. Dober is still pretty raw but he rocked Gonzalez with those punches and showed he is here to stay. This was Gonzalez’s first fight in the UFC and hopefully he gets another fight to show what he has to offer.
Some time to kill, some promos are played. Did you know that Stipe Miocic is from Cleveland? Mind blown.
3. Nik Lentz vs. Michael McBride (155 lbs)
ROUND ONE: Lentz has some gross hair, I’ll say that. McBride has a big height advantage. Both come out swinging. Big punches from Lentz and he goes for a takedown. Brings him down and goes for the anaconda choke. Doesn’t get it and McBride is up. Lentz stays on him and throws him down again. Almost has back control before McBride gets up. They stay clinched and Lentz brings him down again. Lentz wants that back control and won’t give it up. McBride rolls and wants a leglock but he’s too low. He won’t let go of that leg and then Lentz is free. Lentz drops into top control from half guard. Lentz is trying for back control and McBride is fighting back hard. Lentz works some short punches. Back control again for Lentz and then moves to a headlock. Lentz wanted a guillotine but McBride rolls free. Lentz stays on top and holds McBride down. McBride is tough but Lentz is tenacious. Lentz rolls McBride over and then over again. Still near back control and side control. Lentz is riding McBride at this point and is content with just wearing him down. Lentz finally moves towards back control with one hook in. More short punches from Lentz. Lentz is too high for the choke but he continues the assault. Round ends with Lentz in back control.
Peterson’s Scorecard: 10-9 Lentz. McBride fought back but that was all one-way traffic from Lentz.
ROUND TWO: Both come out swinging again, McBride wants to keep that distance. Big overhand shot from Lentz that misses. McBride drops Lentz! McBride moves to back control but can’t get it. Lentz stands back up and McBride pushes back. McBride pushes Lentz down but Lentz moves into a headlock. Lentz manages to escape and gains top control on McBride. Lentz rotates and gains back control. McBride fights back and rolls but Lentz has a brief mount position. McBride rolls and Lentz is back into back control. Lentz is stuck to McBride like glue as they say. Lentz isn’t giving McBride any space and moves over towards a arm triangle choke. McBride escapes but Lentz has back control again. Lentz keeps up with the short punches. McBride is rolling to escape well but Lentz is prepared for everything. No space given to McBride and they roll. Lentz now has top control in half guard. Roll back to a back control for Lentz. Short punches from Lentz. McBride is game but he’s not ready for Lentz. Big punches from Lentz and McBride is covering up. No fighting back from McBride and the referee has seen enough. Fight waved off and it’s a dominant win for Lentz.
Result: Lentz via TKO at 4:17 in Round 2.
Peterson’s Analysis: That’s a big win for Lentz. McBride came in on short notice and fought back with everything but Lentz is a great grappler. He gave McBride no room to breathe and took his time. Lentz looks great at lightweight again and he deserves a real test in his next fight. McBride has big potential and should be given another shot as well.
Megan Olivi talks with Tyron Woodley and Anthony Pettis about CM Punk’s preparation for tonight. It’s almost like we didn’t know by now that Punk trained at Roufusport.
4. Caio Magalhaes vs. Brad Tavares (185 lbs)
ROUND ONE: Caio opens with a big kick that is blocked. Caio working the kicks early on. Big flurry from Tavares that ends with big leg kick. Tavares seems to be the aggressor. Lots of feints from Caio. Big kick from Caio and punch from Tavares. Tavares throws some good punches. Single leg attempt from Caio, has Tavares down for a moment before he’s back up. Clinch against the fence with Caio pushing on Tavares while hanging onto that leg. Tavares gets underhooks and stays upright. More clinching and crowd begins to boo. Tavares escapes and moves back to center. Tavares is being patient with his attack, Caio really loading up on strikes. Clinch again from Caio and Tavares has his back to the fence. Tavares spins out and clinches Caio against the fence. Caio throwing knees in the clinch. Caio spins around and clinches Tavares against the fence. Short punches from Caio in the clinch. Mike and Joe talking Native Americans in sports, very uncomfortable. Caio still clinching against the fence. Round ends with Caio pressing Tavares in the clinch.
Peterson’s Scorecard: Magalhaes 10-9. Not a good round for either fighter. Magalhaes had more control and the harder kicks.
ROUND TWO: Tavares takes the center. Kicks from both fighters. Fighters circling, not a ton of meaningful offense. Caio is circling, both fighters throwing punches. Lots of circling, that’s about it so far. Tavares throws a big overhand, Caio ducks under and gains underhooks. Caio pushes back and clinches against the fence. They spin and Tavares gains the clinch. Knee to the body from Tavares. Knees thrown in the clinch and they separate. Quick flurry from both fighters. Good jab from Tavares. Big body kick from Caio. Caio is throwing some big overhands that are missing. Brief single punches from both fighters. Great leg kick from Caio. Takedown attempt from Caio, has Tavares down for second before they’re back up. Caio clinches against the fence, still holding that leg. Foot stomps and Caio has Tavares down. Right back up is Tavares. Now clinching from Tavares. Round ends in the clinch.
Peterson’s Scorecard: 10-9 Magalhaes. A couple brief takedowns from Magalhaes might take it for him. Not much action, round could go either way.
ROUND THREE: Tavares attacks right away with big overhand. Both fighters are throwing right away. More action in first ten seconds than all of the second round. Tavares is throwing some heavy leg kicks now. Tavares moves in to attack and clinches against the fence. Knees in the clinch from Tavares. Caio pushes out and clinches Tavares against the fence. Another spin and Tavares is clinching now. Tavares’ head is down and Caio grabs for the guillotine. Caio drops, it’s tight but Tavares escapes. They’re back up and Tavares clinches again. They spin and break. Leg kicks from Tavares. Very slow fight and Tavares lands some good punches. Big knee thrown by Caio that misses. Caio is breathing heavy. Both fighters need to hit the gas in this round or it’s anyone’s fight. Big body kick from Tavares. A great hook from Tavares lands clean. This fight is too close for this little action. Caio throws some heavy punches that miss. Great big right hand from Tavares. Caio dives for a takedown and misses. Big head kick that misses from Tavares. Final seconds and they circle. One big flurry from Caio and a big knee from Tavares and the bell rings.
Peterson’s Scorecard: 10-9 Tavares: Slightly more offense from Tavares, but another round with no big moments. I could see a decision for either fighter. Not a memorable fight at all.
Result: Brad Tavares by split decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29.
Peterson’s Analysis: I feel better about Tavares winning in the end. He was always moving forward and pressing the attack. He has great technique but needs to learn to turn the gas on at certain moments. That win should keep him around and hopefully his game continues to evolve. Magalhaes is now on a three fight losing streak and may be cut unless he can get some sympathy from the brass.
5. Jessica Eye vs. Bethe Correia (135 lbs)
ROUND ONE: Lots of feints ASAP by Correia. Eye takes the center right away. They’re throwing some fast hands. Eye is pumping that jab. Eye is pushing the action right away. Good leg kick from Correia. Good right hand from Correia that lands. Good right hand from Eye. Eye is throwing some power in that right hand that misses. Another good punch that lands for Eye. A good counter punch from Correia and Eye trips her up. Correia is right back up. Correia looks to be maybe slightly faster than Eye to the punch. Clinch from Eye against the fence. They seperate and Eye throws on the exit. Good leg kick from Eye. Lots of head movement from Eye. Correia clinches against the fence. Knees in the clinch from Correia. Correia looks for a takedown and they separate. Bell rings as Eye throws a kick.
Peterson’s Scorecard: 10-9 Eye. Eye was the aggressor, bringing slightly more offense but Correia is very much in this fight.
ROUND TWO: Eye comes out pumping that jab right away. Leg kick from Eye. Leg kick from Eye that is caught. Correia is fighting very upright in this round. Good flurry from Correia that lands. Eye is really working that jab this round and it’s keeping Correia on her toes. Front kick attempt from Eye. Leg kick from Correia. Jab that lands from Correia. Another good flurry from Correia that lands. Both fighters throwing a lot of single strikes. Good uppercut from Eye. Correia’s eye is swelling. Another front kick from Eye and a good flurry from Eye that lands. Jab from Correia that lands. Big right hand from Eye. Correia looking to be the aggressor in the end of this round. Correia is looking to clinch but Eye escapes. A takedown attempt from Correia that misses. Big right overhand that misses from Correia. A right hand from Eye and a clinch attempt from Correia ends the round.
Peterson’s Scorecard: 10-9 Eye: Eye controlled the first half of the round but Correia really fought back in the second half. Second round could be Correia, very close. Both fighters should look for a finish in this close fight.
ROUND THREE: Correia takes the center right away. Correia works the jab right off the bat. Eye is double pumping the jab. Both fighters working at range. Eye circling and using a lot of movement. Eye still using that jab quite a bit. Big right hand that lands from Correia. Correia is getting much more accurate in her striking. Rogan hits it on the head when he says both fighters are fighting very tense and haven’t loosened up very much. Good leg kick from Eye. Lots of feints from Correia. Leg kicks from Correia. Eye circling the cage now. Crowd is blowing up right now for the hometown fighter. Correia trying to cut off Eye. Big right hand shot from Correia. Leg kick from Eye. Correia moves in and clinches against the fence. Lots of short punches thrown from both fighters in the clinch. Big knee to the face in the clinch from Eye. More short punches in the clinch to end the round.
Peterson’s Scorecard: 10-9 Correia. Super close round and it will be a toss-up in that decision.
Result: Bethe Correia by split decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)
Peterson’s Analysis: That fight was super close and either fighter had a case for the win. Correia celebrated a bit much for a fighter who didn’t dominate by any means and she didn’t gain any fans with her antics. Tough loss for Jessica Eye in a close fight in her hometown and hopefully she can keep evolving and show it in her next fight.
To round out the prelims, Joe Rogan and Dana White finally talk about the main event and not CM Punk for once. I almost forgot a title was on the line tonight.
Main Card
6. Jessica Andrade vs. Joanne Calderwood (115 lbs)
ROUND ONE: Calderwood takes the center. Andrade is hunched and looks ready to bomb. Calderwood has a very upright stance to throw kicks but it seems like a bad idea against Andrade. Andrade is throwing some big punches right away. Andrade working the clinch and drops some good knees. Big takedown from Andrade and she is looking to get top control. Calderwood works her way back up and they clinch. Huge takedown from Andrade! Andrade gains top position and works to side control. Good short hammerfists from the top from Andrade. Calderwood is looking to roll out but Andrade is sticking with her. Triangle attempt from Calderwood and a slam from Andrade. Andrade is sitting up in the full guard and she is throwing from the top. Calderwood is trying to get full guard back and Andrade is posturing up. Side control for Andrade and Calderwood throws a nice short elbow that has Andrade bleeding into her eye. Calderwood nearly escapes but Andrade is back in control and dropping hammerfists. Big punches from Andrade on the top. Calderwood still looking to escape but Andrade is one step ahead. Side control again for Andrade. Back into half guard from Andrade. Calderwood looks to sit up and lands in a guillotine from Andrade. It looks very tight and Calderwood taps! Huge win for Jessica Andrade!
Result: Andrade via guillotine choke at 4:38 of Round 1.
Peterson’s Analysis: That’s a huge win for Jessica Andrade and she is a beast at 115 lbs. Calderwood tried to stay competitive but Andrade landed those two huge takedowns and worked some heavy pressure from the top to wear Calderwood down. She is going to be a big challenge for anyone in this division and she deserves a top ranked opponent in her next fight.
7. Urijah Faber vs. Jimmie Rivera (135 lbs)
Quick note, Jimmie Rivera’s coach really beat the hell out of him as a warm up. I guess that means he’s a great coach.
ROUND ONE: Faber out of the gate right away to take the center. Big leg kick from Faber. Faber kicking big right away. Kick almost caught by Rivera. Takedown attempt from Faber, shucked off by Rivera. Kick from Rivera, almost caught by Faber, they separate. Faber working the jab pump. Front kick from Faber. Big counter punch from Rivera. Leg kick from Rivera. Another leg kick from Rivera. Rivera looks to be ready to counterpunch tonight. Clinch from Rivera and they each throw big before they separate. More leg kicks from Faber. Faber is looking to land some leg kicks to set up the high kick. Really good counters from Rivera. Quick punches from Rivera. Feints from Faber and he gets caught by a Rivera punch. High kick that misses from Faber and a leg kick from Rivera. Punches from Rivera they trade leg kicks. Both fighters end the round looking.
Peterson’s Scorecard: 10-9 Rivera. Close round but Rivera landed the cleaner strikes. Good fight so far.
ROUND TWO: High kick misses from Faber and a leg kick from Rivera. Rivera looking to counter with the left hook. Groin shot from Faber and the ref calls for the stop. Accidental but a hard shot and a warning for Faber. A few moments and Rivera wants back in. Good left hook from Rivera. Feints from both men. Rivera throwing that left hook. Double jab from Rivera. Left hand lands big from Rivera. Big leg kick from Rivera that drops Faber for a moment. Rivera starts throwing more leg kicks. Right hand lands for Rivera. Another good right hand and kick for Rivera. Another big kick from Rivera and Faber’s front leg looks raw. Rivera working that leg kick and it’s working. Big knee feint from Faber. Spinning back fist attempt from Rivera. Crowd booing a bit from the lack of big action. Leg kick from Rivera and Faber’s leg is getting worked. Another back fist attempt from Rivera and he catches Faber with a right hand. End of the round.
Peterson’s Scorecard: 10-9 Rivera. Cleaner shots and big damange from those leg kicks. Faber may have to make a big push in this last round.
ROUND THREE: Faber’s corner is calling on him to make Rivera grapple. He may be going for the takedown this round. Kick from Faber. Another big kick. Leg kick from Rivera. Power punches moving forward from Faber. High kick shot from Faber. Faber moves for a takedown but is shaken off. Left hook lands on Faber. He’s getting caught more and more from Rivera. Big leg kick drops Faber again. Faber is doing some fancy footwork but he can’t hide the leg damage. Eyepoke from Faber and the ref stops the action. Replay shows an open hand paw from Faber and that’s rough. Accidental or not, that can’t be tolerated. Rivera taking some time so it might have done some real damage. He looks in some real pain but he wants back in. Ref warns Faber and it’s back on. Front kick attempt from Faber and gets punished by Rivera punches. Faber is trying to push the action but Rivera is lighting him up. Can’t help but notice that Faber has his fingers pointed way out there wide open. Rivera throwing some front push kicks. Faber pushing forward but Rivera’s counters are fast. Both fighters trade kicks at range. Punches from Faber and another brutal leg kick from Rivera. Faber is getting outboxed. Trip up from Faber and Rivera slips back. Both fighters trading counterpunches. Both fighters swing big in the last seconds.
Peterson’s Scorecard: 10-9 Rivera. Great offense but Rivera had the cleaner shots and more power.
After the bell, Rivera says he can’t see a thing out of that right eye. Those eyepokes need to punished more than the verbal warning.
Result: Jimmie Rivera by unanimous decision(30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Peterson’s Analysis: That’s a gigantic win for Rivera. He got the better of Faber standing especially in that last round where he says he was fighting with one eye. We didn’t see much of his grappling but he is going up in this division and has a lot to offer. As for Faber, this may be a sign of his decline and at 37, he has been in this game long enough. He may have some more big fights in his future but he is done as a title challenger.
It’s almost time. The fight we’ve all been waiting for, CM Punk vs. Mickey Gall is next up!
8. CM Punk vs. Mickey Gall (170 lbs)
Music update, they let Mickey Gall use his original walkout song after Dana White wanted him to pick “something harder”. Worth it.
ROUND ONE: Punk comes out and immediate double leg from Mickey Gall. Top control from Gall and huge punches being rained down on Punk. Gall steps over to side control and tries for the guillotine. Punk tries to slip out against the fence but Gall is smothering him. Gall hops directly into mount and rolls into back control. Gall is moving hard for the rear naked choke. Punk defends and Gall locks the hooks in. Punk is still trying to escape and Gall flattens him out. Gall is dropping huge punches from the back and the ref is watching closely. Gall goes for the choke again and Punk defends. It sinks in and Punk taps! That’s it folks, that’s how it goes.
Result: Gall via rear naked choke at 2:15 in Round 1.
Peterson’s Analysis: That’s how it was always going to go. Punk did his best but he couldn’t put himself at Gall’s level in just under two years. It will be interesting to see what the UFC does with Punk from here and Mickey Gall seems like a kid with real potential in his future and he asked to fight Sage Northcutt next Both men seemed very gracious to each other after the fight and it’s great to see after all the promotion. I can’t put it any better than Mickey when he said it, “Fuck the hate!”
9. Fabricio Werdum vs. Travis Browne (265 lbs)
ROUND ONE: Werdum comes out with a huge side kick to the face! Crazy shot to open this fight. Browne takes the center and Werdum goes for the double leg. Takedown dodged by Browne easy. Leg kick from Werdum. Werdum feint with the level change. Rolling cartwheel kick from Werdum that misses. He’s really throwing everything. Overhand right from Werdum that misses. Referee stops the action and no one is sure why. Werdum is pissed and wants to keep fighting. It appears to be an issue with Browne’s glove. Werdum is raging at the ref and the ref is asking the doctor is Browne can fight. The action is back on and Werdum is throwing kicks. Browne pumping the jab. Punches from Browne, Werdum drops for the takedown and Browne dodges. Werdum rocks Browne and clinches him up against the fence. Knee from both men against the fence. Short punches from Werdum and they separate. Another miissed takedown from Werdum. Big punches thrown from Werdum. Good straight left from Browne. Another big right hand from Browne. Kick from Werdum is caught and Browne throws him down. Werdum is back up and throwing leg kicks. Huge punch from Werdum that drops Browne. Werdum jumps into side control and drops short punches from the top. Browne tries to roll out and Werdum hops into back control. Hooks are in but Browne is surviving. Punches from the back but Browne will survive the round. Werdum on the back when the bell rings.
Peterson’s Scorecard: 10-9 Werdum. Big knockdown and back control steals that round for Werdum.
ROUND TWO: Browne takes the center. His finger may be injured but no one is sure. Takedown attempt from Werdum that misses. Trip from Browne and Werdum is down. Werdum is back up and they trade kicks. Two good punches from Werdum. Lots of feints from both sides. Big leg kick from Werdum. Browne is fighting with his chin way out there. Body kick from Werdum. Browne is fighting very tense. Body kick attempt from Browne. Another body kick from Werdum. Browne catches Werdum with a good straight right. Body punch from Werdum and Browne throws a body punch of his own. Both fighters standing directly in front of each other but very little strikes thrown. Good flurry from Werdum followed by a good jab. Leg kick from Werdum. A good leg kick from Browne. Another rolling kick from Werdum followed by a wheel kick.
Peterson’s Scorecard: 10-9 Werdum. Very tepid round and Browne is fighting very tense. He needs to open up or he’s losing this fight.
ROUND THREE: Browne comes out throwing a big body kick. Straight punches from Werdum. Both fighters still standing directly in front of each other. Big leg kick from Werdum. Lots of feints and a lot of nothing from both men. They trade leg kicks and jabs. Push kick from Werdum. Werdum goes for a lazy single leg and Browne wrestles free. Both men are very hesitant and the crowd is letting them know. This is a very bad round for both men. Big knee from Werdum and a right hand lands as well. Leg kick from Werdum and a high kick blocked from Browne. If Werdum wants a title shot, he needs to show he wants it. Browne needs a finish but he’s fighting lazy. Body punch from Browne. Browne throws a front kick that misses big. Another body punch and jab from Browne. Werdum is moving backwards and the round ends with Browne swinging at air.
Peterson’s Scorecard: 10-9 Werdum. Horrible round. Very little action from both men and Browne looks like he has regressed as a fighter.
Werdum and Edmond Tarverdyan get into an argument after the bell and both camps scuffle. The referee orders all corners out of the cage before the decision is announced.
Result: Werdum via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-27,30-27)
Peterson’s Analysis: Great start to the fight from Werdum that wore out when he fought very timid at the end. Browne looked awful as the fight went on and he finds himself very far from the title picture with this loss. Very poor behavior during the fight and afterwards from Browne’s coach and just not a good experience as a whole.
10. Champion Stipe Miocic vs. Alistair Overeem (265 lbs)
ROUND ONE: Both fighters jockey for the center. Overeem moving back, making Miocic follow him. Quick punches from Miocic that miss. Big leg kick from Overeem. Short punch from Overeem knocks Miocic back and Overeem drops a guillotine choke on him! Miocic fights out and blasts at Overeem but Overeem turns and runs away. Stipe still a bit wobbly but Overeem continues to fight moving backwards. Big kick from Overeem and he catches Miocic with another short punch. Right hand from Miocic hurts Overeem and Overeem runs again. He gets tagged by Miocic again and he is back against the fence getting hit. Miocic is landing at will and Overeem turns and runs. Odd strategy from Overeem and a big kick from Overeem. Overeem hurts Miocic with another punch and this is crazy! Overeem runs after throwing and is constantly backing against the fence. Miocic chases and gets tagged again by Overeem. Big kick from Miocic and Miocic is landing against the fence again. Big punch from Overeem misses and Miocic gets a takedown. He postures up and drops bombs from the top. He’s landing and that’s it! Overeem is out and the arena goes crazy!! Odd gameplan from Overeem doesn’t pay off and he paid for it. Overeem has no legs under him yet. Just wow.
Result: Miocic via TKO at 4:27 in Round 1.
Peterson’s Analysis: That’s a huge win for Stipe in front of a giant home crowd. He’s got power and he’s an amazing athlete. It will be interesting to see who he gets paired up against next. A rematch with JDS or Werdum is out there. A very weird gameplan for Overeem that didn’t pan out. He was moving back and despite his early success, he kept backing against the fence where Miocic bombed him and let Miocic get on top where he was pounded out. In his post-fight interview, Overeem claimed he felt Stipe tap to the guillotine and the referee missed it. The replay showed no visible tap and it ends up showing Overeem as a sore loser where he could have gone out with a little grace.
Thats the end of the odd night that was UFC 203. Three fights dropped off within a week, elevator mishaps, post-fight scuffles, that’s fight week for you. Big win for Stipe Miocic defending his title at home. Join us here again next week for a great lightweight brawl between Dustin Porier and Michael Johnson. Good night folks!
Gall: “If he dies… He dies.”