Darren Stewart vs. Eryk Anders
Middleweight Fight
This was exactly the fireworks display that we wanted it to be. In the last minute of the first round Anders started throwing like crazy after he caught Stewart with a great cross. After an absolutely decimating avalanche of shots from Anders he landed an illegal knee while Stewart was down. The official brought in the ring doctor to check on Stewart, who said he could continue, but the doctor decided he couldn’t fight. The official waved off the fight and ruled the fight a no contest. If it wasn’t for the unfortunate circumstances this would’ve been a great fight.
Rating: 7/10
Result: No Contest after an illegal knee by Anders
Manel Kape vs. Matheus Nicolau
Flyweight Fight
This fight had great variety to it, a little bit of everything. The 1st round was a pretty even one with an edge for Nicolau. The 2nd round was all Kape, who looked like he was gonna get a knockout at one pout but could hit the big shot. The 3rd round was another back and forth that was tough to call. These two both had great showings and should be on everybody’s list in the flyweight division.
Rating: 8/10
Result: Split Decision for Matheus Nicolau
Davey Grant vs. Jonathan Martinez
Bantamweight Fight
The f1st round was pretty back and forth and almost entirely standing up with the edge going to Grant, but in the last minute Martinez landed a big left hand and put Grant down. Grant managed to survive the round out. The 2nd round was all Grant, he was the only one throwing anything, and a bit after the halfway point of the second Grant threw a massive left hook and dropped Martinez. The ref stopped the fight after a couple follow ups. This was a great underdog win as far as the handicappers were concerned. This is the 2nd straight knockout for Grant, who is known as more of a ground expert. The variety will help him move up the ladder.
Rating: 8/10
Result: 2nd Round TKO for Davey Grant
Dan Ige vs. Gavin Tucker
Featherweight Fight
This paragraph is inevitably going to take longer to read than the fight did. Ige threw one punch. One right hand, that’s all it took. Tucker got knocked out that quickly.
5 second KO, enough said.
Rating: 8/10
Result: 1st Round Knockout for Dan Ige (0:05 Unofficially) (0:22 Officially)
Misha Cirkunov vs. Ryan Spann
Light Heavyweight Fight
This fight was a little longer than the last one, and even had a small break because of an accidental low blow. Cirkunov got caught and didn’t have an answer. After the first knockdown Spann actually let Cirkunov back to his feet so he could attack him while he was still stunned from the first knockdown and it didn’t take much after that. Spann has been waiting for a moment like this and it was perfect timing.
Rating: 8.5/10
Result: 1st Round Knockout for Ryan Spann
Main Event
Leon Edwards vs. Belal Muhammad
Welterweight Fight
The 1st round was pretty back and forth round with an edge to Edwards for landing a couple good shots in a row. The 2nd round was barely alive before there was an eye poke by Edwards that caused the fight to be stopped. Muhammad was audibly crying out in pain and then was crying after the fight was stopped. It’s a shame the main event had to end like this, but if they run this fight back it will be great. Muhammad and Edwards were very respectful after the fight.
Rating: 2/10
Result: No Decision after an unintentional Eye Poke by Edwards
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