Livia Renata Souza def. Alex Chambers via Submission (Mounted Guillotine Choke) Round 1, 1:20
Elizeu Zaleski dos Santos vs. Luigi Vendramini (Welterweight/170)
Round 1: Vendramini ducks early and shoots for a single but dos Santos sprawls and attacks with a Peruvian necktie! Vendramini escapes, takes the back and scores with a quick takedown. Dos Santos pops right back up but Vendramini still has his back. They fall to the mat and Vendramini has a body lock and is threatening with a rear naked choke. Dos Santos is defending but he is in a bad spot here. Dos Santos escapes and they are back in the center. Dos Santos is attacking with lots of head kicks but so far, they aren’t landing. Vendramini falls after attempting a body kick and dos Santos lands a few hard shots before he can get back to his feet. 10-9 dos Santos
Round 2: Long feeling out process early on. Dos Santos is moving in and out but isn’t connecting. Huge flying knee lands for dos Santos and Vendramini is badly hurt! Dos Santos moves in with a left and then a right hook and this fight is over! Dos Santos is starting to become must watch TV! He weathered an early grappling storm but once he found his footing it was only a matter of time for dos Santos.
Result: Elizeu Zaleski dos Santos def. Luigi Vendramini via KO (Flying Knee and Punches) Round 2, 1:20
Thales Leites vs. Hector Lombard (Middleweight/185)
Round 1: Hector Lombard really needs a win here. He takes the center of the octagon early while Leites circles him with a jab. Right hand lands for Leites that appeared to stagger Lombard a bit. Lombard is having some success with his low kick, but he has to step right into Leites range to land it and he’s paying for it. Leites lands a short-left hook. Another low kick lands for Lombard, and then another. Leites is starting to show some damage in his lead leg. Leites appears to have lost his composure a bit, he’s making very basic mistakes and he’s allowing Lombard to land those low kicks unmolested. 10-9 Lombard
Round 2: Lombard opens the round with a low kick and Leites clearly felt it. Lombard lands another low kick but Leites manages to knock him down with a jab! Leites rushes in but Lombard quickly gets back to his feet. That may have been a missed opportunity for Leites. Leites lands a straight right and then a left hook and Lombard is wobbled! Lombard connects with another low kick. Leites left leg is an absolute mess. Leites secures a clinch and pulls guard, and immediately attacks the arm! Lombard escapes the armbar and attempt and works back to his feet. Leites has a clinch and just misses with a big knee! High kick lands for Leites! Lombard is busted open near his right eye. Short right hook lands for Lombard, but Leites returns a left hand of his own. Lombard’s eye is starting to leak pretty bad here with about 15 seconds left in the round. 10-9 Leites
Round 3: They clinch early. Lombard has two under hooks but Leites creates some distance and lands some hard knees to the body. They’re trading in the center and both guys are landing. Leites lands with a nice left hand and then a hard-low kick. Lombard has slowed down considerably. Leites lands a hard hook to the head and then the body of Hector Lombard with just under two minutes left in the round. Lombard is basically has standing in front of Leites at this point. He secures a body lock and forces Leites against the fence. Leites wraps up Lombard’s neck and he’s looking for a guillotine here but Lombard pops right out and re-secures his body lock. Leites scores a quick takedown just as the round ends and takes the back. Good performance by Leites there in the later part of the fight. 10-9 Leites
*Thales Leites made it clear in the lead up to this card that he would be competing for the final time tonight. He will retire from the UFC with a 13-8 (28-9 Overall) record, and as a former World Middleweight Title challenger.
Result: Thales Leites def. Hector Lombard via Unanimous Decision
Gillian Robertson vs. Mayra Bueno Silva (Flyweight/125)
Round 1: Robertson is on top early. Silva is holding a loose guard and Robertson easily passes into half guard. Robertson passes into side control now. Nice scramble by Silva and she explodes back to her feet in a flash! Silva connects with a spinning back kick to the body. Robertson is looking for a takedown but Silva counters and winds up on top. Robertson grabs her opponent’s ankle and uses it to sweep herself into top position. Silva is on her back with a closed guard, but Robertson is working hard to pass. Silva is attacking with an armbar and its over! Nice win there for Silva in the closing moments of the round.
Result: Mayra Bueno Silva def. Gillian Robertson via Submission (Armbar) Round 1, 4:55
Sergio Moraes vs. Ben Saunders (Welterweight/170)
Round 1: They clinch early, and I believe Saunders pulled guard but its possible that Moraes took him down. Saunders is looking to set up his rubber guard. Not much movement here on the ground, Moraes is being very cautious. Moraes is working for side control but Saunders is defending well. This round has pretty much been a pure Jiu jitsu match up to this point. Moraes takes the mount and attack with an armbar! Saunders is defending, and the bell will save him. 10-9 Moraes
Round 2: Moraes catches a kick early and Saunders pulls him down into guard. Moraes is immediately working to pass into half guard but Saunders maintains guard and throws his leg over Moraes back. Moraes is controlling from the top position and looking to pass, he almost into half guard but Saunders still has a quarter guard. Moraes passes into half guard and then quickly into mount. Saunders has good BJJ but Moraes is a World Champion and its showing right now. Moraes has one minute to make something happen or Saunders is going to survive again. Moraes is looking for a head and arm triangle and it looks tight. Saunders taps and its over. Complete dominance by Moraes there.
Result: Sergio Moraes def. Ben Saunders via Submission (Arm Triangle Choke) Round 2, 4:42
Augusto Sakai vs. Chase Sherman (Heavyweight/265)
Round 1: They trade big low kick early. Sherman lands with a jab and then a front kick. He appears to be a bit quicker. Sherman connects with a low kick and a hard punch to the body. Low kick lands for Sherman. Sakai opens up with a flurry but nothing of note lands. Sherman connects with a hard kick to the body and follows it up with a quick combination. Sakai lands a few big hooks, but Sherman returns a straight right and another kick to the body. More big shots land for Sherman. Both fighters connect with big hooks. We have a bit of a brawl on our hands. Sherman gets through with a left hook as the round ends. Sloppy round but it was fun to watch. 10-9 Sherman
Round 2: Sherman pokes Sakai in the eye just as the round begins so we see a break in the action. Sakai is attacking early with punches. Sherman counters with a knee to the body but Sakai is still moving forward. Sherman briefly secures a clinch and forces the fight against the fence, but Sakai separates and lands a right hand! Sherman counters with an uppercut and then he lands another hand hook. Sakai connects with a big right hook of his own and Sherman might be hurt after that one. They’re back to trading in the center. Sherman is starting to take some deep breathes with 2 minutes left in the round. Sherman forces the fight against the fence but Sakai pops right out and lands a big knee to the body of his opponent. Sherman is starting to show signs of fatigue here. Sakai moves in with a left hook and follows it up with a right. Sherman is still moving forward but he doesn’t have as much spring in his step. 10-9 Sakai
Round 3: Sherman connects early with a couple of good shots and a knee to the body. Sakai returns a looping left hook and then a right and Sherman is hurt! Sakai is staying on him! Sherman is trying to secure a hook but Sakai separates. Sherman is moving forward with his punches and clinches Sakai against the fence for a moment before they separate. Sherman keeps going back to the clinch, but Sakai is hurting him! Sakai lands a big knee and Chase Sherman is hurt! Knee after Knee is landing for Sakai, but Sherman is still standing! Sakai throws Sherman to the mat and he’s landing some hard elbows! Sherman is busted open! Sakai is landing shots from side control with one-minute left in the round! And its over! The fight started off slow but once Sakai came alive he turned into a nightmare. Brutal stoppage there for Augusto Sakai.
Result: Augusto Sakai def. Chase Sherman via TKO (Punches and Elbows) Round 3, 4:03
Luis Henrique vs. Ryan Spann (Light-heavyweight/205)
Round 1: Henrique connects first with a kick to the body, but Spann returns a hard-left hook as they separate. Spann is having success early with his jab. Henrique is bleeding from his nose. Spann connects with another hard jab. Henrique counters though and scores with a double leg takedown. Spann pops right up but Henrique immediately shoots in again. Spann has the neck though and Henrique could be in trouble here! Henrique escapes and they are back in the center. Henrique scores with a last second’s takedown in the final moments of the round. Tough round to score when you consider the pressure applied by Spann but also the takedowns completed by Henrique. 10-9 Spann but it could go either way.
Round 2: Spann connects early with a left and a right. Henrique is working to get the fight to the ground, but Spann is resisting. Hard knee to the body lands for Spann. Henrique attempted a trip takedown, but Spann countered and wound up in top position. They scramble, and Henrique manages to complete a single leg. Spann is looking for a submission from his back, but Henrique is defending well and attacking with elbows from the top position with just over two minutes left in the round. Spann is keeping a closed guard here but he’s not doing much to get up. Henrique seems content to wear Spann down with ground and pound. He’s looking for a guillotine from the top position, but Spann spins out of it. Spann is looking for an anaconda choke but lets it go in favor of landing some hard elbows just as the round ends. 10-9 Henrique but it was as close as the first round was. Henrique controlled the fight well, but Spann put him in danger several times and ended the round in a very good position. Tough round to call.
Round 3: Henrique is looking for a takedown early, but Spann is defending well. He keeps working for it though and completes it, and Spann is down. Henrique is working from half guard, but Spann recovers guard with three and a half minutes left in the round. Spann rolls to the turtle position and then sweeps into top control. He’s landing elbows from half guard. Henrique is just holding on, he’s showing clear signs of fatigue. Spann is clearly tired as well but still manages to pass into side control. The fight just cut to commercial mid-fight….AND we’re back…. Spann is still in top position, but Henrique is looking for a kimura from his back. Spann lands a hard knee to the body with 20 seconds remaining. 10-9 Spann (29-28 Spann)
Result: Ryan Spann def. Luis Henrique via Unanimous Decision
Evan Dunham vs. Francisco Trinaldo (Lightweight/155)
Round 1: They’re exchanging early. Trinaldo lands a hard-left hook and the crowd loved it. Keep in mind that Evan Dunham will be retiring after this fight. He’s a 20 fight UFC vet and has taken part in some very exciting fights. Trinaldo is looking for a takedown but Dunham has his neck. They’re fighting in the clinch. Trinaldo lands a big kick to the body as they separate. 10-9 Trinaldo
Round 2: Dunham shoots early but Trinaldo sprawls. He’s looking for some sort of a choke, maybe a Darce but Dunham is defending well. Dunham is up but he eats a hard knee from Trinaldo as they separate. Dunham throws a high kick but just misses and Trinaldo attacks to the head and body. Dunham is handing in there though. Dunham moves in with an uppercut and Trinaldo counters with a devastating knee to the body and this fight is over. Nice work there by Trinaldo…tough break for Evan Dunham in his final octogen appearance.
Result: Francisco Trinaldo def. Evan Dunham via TKO (Knee to the body) Round 2, 4:10
Charles Oliveira vs. Christos Giagos (Lightweight/155)
Round 1: Oliveira lands a big knee early. Giagos returns a nice right hand. Oliveira has a clinch and is working for a takedown against the fence but Giagos is defending well. Giagos lands a nice right hand to the body. High kick lands for Oliveira but Giagos mostly managed to avoid it. Both guys are staying composed. Just as I say that Oliveira completes a nice takedown and moves right into mount with just under a minute left in the round. Giagos escapes though and they are back on the feet. Giagos connects with a nice left hook as the round winds down. 10-9 Oliveira
Round 2: Giagos lands early with a nice straight left. Oliveira is stalking Giagos against the fence but isn’t landing much. Oliveira completes a takedown and lands a nice knee from half guard. Giagos rolls and Oliveira takes his back. Oliveira rolls Giagos into a body lock and locks in a rear naked choke! This fight is over! Oliveira now has the record for most submission wins in UFC history. Quite an achievement there.
Result: Charles Oliviera def. Christos Giagos via Submission (Rear Naked Choke) Round 2, 3:22
UFC Fox Sports Main Card
(13) Randa Markos vs. Marina Rodriguez (Strawweight/115)
Round 1: Randa Markos scores with a takedown early and she moves right into mount. She has three minutes left in the round to work. Markos is dominating from top position with her positioning, but she isn’t landing or attempting many strikes. Rodriguez is completely out matched it this position. Markos lands a few short elbows with as the round ends. 10-8 Markos
Round 2: Rodriguez is having a bit of success early on the feet. It’s interesting that Markos isn’t trying to stick to the game plan. It was very effective in that first round. Rodriguez lands a few solid shots, but Markos keeps moving forward. Markos moves forward with a flurry of strikes but Rodriguez manages to gain control of her head and avoid most of the blows. Markos forces the fight back against the fence, but Rodriguez quickly creates separation and escapes the position. Markos is moving forward with strikes, but Rodriguez is actually landing more as she moves backwards. Nice jab lands for Markos. Rodriguez lands a hard elbow as the round ends. 10-9 Markos
Round 3: Markos secures a clinch early and takes Rodriguez down to the mat. She pops right back up though and they are back in the center. Rodriguez connects with a nice front kick and gets the crowd talking. Markos is looking for a head and arm takedown, but Rodriguez is defending well. My feed froze up there a bit towards the end of the round so I can’t give my opinion on who won this round.
Result: Randa Markos and Marina Rodriguez fight to a Majority Draw
Renan Barao* vs. Andre Ewell (Bantamweight/135)
*Missed weight (141.75)
Round 1: They are going at it early. Ewell lands a quick right hand and Barao is down! Barao scrambles for a single leg and manages to get the fight against the fence. Barao scores with a takedown and lands several hard strikes forcing Ewell to move his hips a bit. Barao moves into mount and attacks with an armbar but Ewell defends well. Barao transitions to the Omoplatta but Ewell escapes again and briefly gets to his feet but Barao takes him right back down. 10-9 Barao
Round 2: We’re a minute into the fight the round and neither guy has landed a strike. Ewell connects with a big shot and Barao certainly felt that one. Barao lands with a right hook and Ewell returns a left and then a right hook of his own! Big shots there by both guys. Ewell is out landing Barao by a lot so far in this round. Barao drops down for a takedown but Ewell defends well. Barao pushes through though and completes a takedown. Ewell is just holding on and perhaps waiting for a stand up. 10-9 Ewell
Round 3: Ewell lands a nice spinning back kick to the body. Barao returns a low kick. Ewell is attacking with a lot of volume and it got to look good in the eyes of the judges. Ewell connects with a solid jab and Barao stumbled a bit. Ewell lands another big shot. He’s firmly in control here with just over a minute left in the round. Ewell lands a front kick directly to the chin over Renan Barao. Ewell lands a hard-left hook. Barao is looking very tired here with fifteen seconds left in the round. 10-9 Ewell (29-28 Ewell)
Result: Andre Ewell def. Renan Barao via Split Decision
Sam Alvey vs. Antonio Rogerio Nogueira (Light-heavyweight/205)
Round 1: Alvey is landing with jabs and low kicks early on. Alvey connects with a solid right hook. Nogueira lands a hard-left hook. They’re basically just trading shots at this point. Slow round. Nogueira connects with a solid left hook against the fence but Alvey seems to be okay. Alvey returns a nice left hook that seemed to stagger Nogueira a bit. 10-9 Alvey
Round 2: Nogueira connects with a big shot early and he is chasing Alvey down! Alvey is fighting back but Nogueira lands a big hook and Alvey is down! Its over! Nogueira hurt him with a left hook, and then finished it with a big left hook behind the ear.
Result: Antonio Nogueira def. Sam Alvey via KO (Punches) Round 2, 1:02
Alex Oliveira vs. Carlo Pedersoli Jr. (Welterweight/170)
Round 1: Oliveira is stalking early. He connects with a big right hand and Pedersoli is down. Olivera connects with two more big shots on the ground and its all over. Quick work there for Alex Oliveira in his home country.
Result: Alex Oliveira def. Carlo Pedersoli via TKO (Punches) Round 1, 0:39
Thiago Santos vs. Eryk Anders (Light-heavyweight/205)
Round 1: Anders is looking for a takedown early. He completes it and takes Santos back in the process. Santos gets back to his feet quickly, but Anders is keeping the pressure on him. Santos lands a high kick, but Anders handles it well. Lots of back and forth action here but not much is really landing. Santos lands a solid right hand after setting it up with a well-placed jab. 10-9 Anders
Round 2: Anders is down early, and Santos is landing some hard shots from above. More hard shots land for Santos. Anders is looking to work from his guard, but Santos is defending well. Back on the feet and they’re trading some big shots! Anders lands a hard shot to the body! Anders is starting to show signs of fatigue with just under two minutes left in the round. Santos lands a hard body kick. Santos lands a back fist and a hard kick to the body! Anders is running but Santos is chasing! Hard elbow lands for Santos! Anders is looking for a takedown and gets it with under twenty seconds left in the round. 10-9 Santos
Round 3: Anders lands a big left hand and scores with a double leg takedown. Anders has the back with two hooks in, but Santos is defending well. Anders has an arm under the chin, but Santos is defending. Santos escapes the position and quickly climbs to his feet. Santos lands a flying head kick and a spinning back elbow! Anders is in trouble here! Anders grabs a body lock with two minutes left in the round. Anders moves in for a takedown but eats a hard knee in the process. He does manage to compete the takedown though and he’s now working from top position. Santos is landing some hard-short elbows and Anders is starting to take a pounding here. 10-9 Santos
Eryk Anders stumbled getting back to his feet and fell to the ground before making it to his corner and the referee has stopped the fight. It appeared to be pure exhaustion.
Result: Thiago Santos def. Eryk Anders via TKO (Retirement) Round 3, 5:00
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