UFC Fight Pass Prelims
Jessica Aguilar def. Jodie Esquibel via Unanimous Decision (Strawweight/115)
Mark De La Rosa def. Elias Garcia via Submission (Rear Naked Choke) Round 2, 2:00 (Flyweight/125)
(7) Liz Carmouche vs. Jennifer Maia (Flyweight/125)
Round 1: They tie up early and Carmouche scores with a trip takedown and she is now in side control. Carmouche lands some nice elbows from the position before Maia escapes and works to her feet. Maia is now in control and holding the fight against the fence. The ref steps in and we see a separation. Back to the action and we see Maia connect with an over hand right. 10-9 Carmouche
Round 2: Carmouche lands a nice body shot to start the round. She has landed nearly double the head strikes as Maia according to a graphic display on the screen. Maia closes the distance and secures a body lock and forces the fight against the fence. She isn’t doing much with it and the ref gives her a warning. He apparently wasn’t satisfied with her adjustments and we see another separation. Carmouche lands a nice right hook and follows it up with a successful trip takedown. She is in side control, but Maia has an under hook. Carmouche steps over into the mount but she only has 10 seconds to work. She attempts an armbar as the round ends. Good round for the former title challenger. 10-9 Carmouche
Round 3: Carmouche scores with a takedown early and she is in the guard of Jennifer Maia. Maia is looking to isolate an arm but its going to be tough to catch Carmouche from here. Carmouche passes into side control and then quickly into mount. She has two and a half minutes to work. Maia is on her side and manages to recover a half guard, but Carmouche is pressuring her from the top. Maia is up with about 30 seconds left in the fight. 10-9 Carmouche (30-27 Carmouche)
Result: Liz Carmouche def. Jennifer Maia via Unanimous Decision
UFC Fox Sports 1 Prelims
Kurt Holobaugh vs. Raoni Barcelos (Featherweight/145)
Round 1: Both guys are landing early. Barcelos fakes a takedown and lands a nice uppercut. Body kick lands for Holobaugh. Holobaugh is running into lots of shots but his chin is holding up well. Barcelos scores a takedown with about 90 seconds remaining in the round. Holobaugh works to his feet and eats a stiff uppercut. Barcelos has a guillotine with about 10 seconds left and Holobaugh will be saved by the bell. 10-9 Holobaugh
Round 2: Barcelos lands a nice four punch combo. Both guys are landing lots of shots. Barcelos scores with a double leg and Holobaugh is down on his back with Barcelos in his guard. Holobaugh tries to kick Barcelos away but Barcelos manages to pass. Holobaugh is up and lands a short knee against the fence as they separate. Barcelos lands a nice uppercut and follows it up with a right hook. Barcelos scores with a trip takedown and he is really staring to pull away here. Holobaugh is up and lands a right straight. Barcelos attempts a spinning back kick but misses and Holobaugh grabs a body lock and takes the back against the fence. He has 20 seconds to figure something out. 10-9 Barcelos
Round 3: Barcelos lands a big left hook and follows it up with a big uppercut! A straight right hand for Barcelos and an uppercut and this fight is all over!
Result: Raoni Barcelos def. Kurt Holobaugh via KO (Punches) Round 3, 1:29
Said Nurmagomedov vs. Justin Scoggins (Flyweight/125)
Round 1: From the start it looks like Nurmagomedov might be having some problems with the movement of Justin Scoggins. Scoggins moves in with a jab and straight right that connect. Nurmagomedov connects with an overhand right. He is only having success when Scoggins stands still. 10-9 Scoggins
Round 2: Nurmagomedov lands a low kick and then slips on to the mat. This is a strange fight. Nurmagomedov doesn’t seem to have much of a game plan. Scoggins lands a hard-left hand and makes Nurmagomedov miss big. Nurmagomedov is throwing lots of spinning back fist but he isn’t really committing to any of them. 10-9 Scoggins
Round 3: Nurmagomedov scores a takedown but can’t do much with it and they are right back on the feet. Hard right-hand lands for Scoggins. 10- Nurmagomedov (29-28 Scoggins)
Result: Said Nurmagomedov def. Justin Scoggins via Split Decision
(10) Darren Elkins vs. Alexander Volkanovski (Featherweight/145)
Round 1: Volkanovski has a guillotine early but Elkins escapes. They were very deep. Elkins creates a bit of a scramble but Volkanovski forces the fight against the fence. Elkins throws out a weak jab that Volkanovski counters with a right hook. Nice shot there. Volkanovski lands a big right hook and Elkins is down! He attacks the neck and has a guillotine, but Elkins escapes, and they are back on the feet. Elkins is eating some big shots here but that usually doesn’t seem to bother him. Elkins eats another one and he is down! Again, Volkanovski attacks with a guillotine as the round ends. 10-9 Volkanovski
Round 2: Big left-hand lands for Volkanovski. Elkins looks a bit out of it. Much slower round so far. Volkanovski lands a nice right straight with about 30 seconds left and Elkins is wobbled. Elkins lands a hard kick to the body and follows it up with a hard-right hand as the round ends. Elkins used to be a somewhat boring wrestler…. those days were long, long ago. 10-9 Volkanovski
Round 3: Elkins is showing a sense of urgency. He attacks with a body kick and straight right. He is looking for a single leg but Volkanovski manages to stay up. Volkanovski is just staying on Elkins and won’t let him breathe. Takedown attempt by Volkanovski gets stuffed but he still manages to force the fight against the fence. Elkins lands a stiff jab but Volkanovski fires back with a left hook. Volkanovski eats a hard-right hand and reacts by taking Elkins down with about 30 seconds remaining but they don’t stay there long. Very once sided. 10-9 Volkanovski (30-27 Volkanovski)
Result: Alexander Volkanovski def. Darren Elkins via Unanimous Decision
(15) Eddie Wineland vs. (13) Alejandro Perez (Bantamweight/135)
Round 1: Aggressive start for both guys. Perez spins for a backfist but Wineland ducks and takes him down. Perez is quickly back on his feet though and they are back on the center. Wineland connects with a right straight. Perez returns with a jab and a right hook that seemed to stun Wineland a bit, but he quickly recovers. Perez throws a low kick but Wineland counters with a right hand that sends Perez down to the mat. They are back on the feet and it looks like Perez might be starting to get a bit frustrated. Just as I say that he lands a solid combo that ended with a nice body hook. 10-9 Wineland
Round 2: Wineland seems to have a speed advantage which I have to assume is a surprise to most people. Wineland attacks with body with a hard-right hook. Perez misses with a jab and eats a right hand from Wineland. Perez attempts a high kick but misses and slips to the mat with about 30 seconds left in the round. 10-9 Wineland
Round 3: Wineland has had success attacking the body tonight and especially in this third round. They are swinging wildly in the final seconds of the fight! Pretty good fight. 10-9 Wineland
Result: Alejandro Perez def. Eddie Wineland via Unanimous Decision
I just didn’t see it. Wineland was attacking and Perez was trying to counter, and it was what it was I guess but it seemed like Wineland did enough. Several decisions tonight have been interesting.
UFC Fox Sports 1 Main Card
(6) Cat Zingano vs. (7) Marion Reneau (Bantamweight/135)
Round 1: Reneau opens the fight with a stiff front kick to the body. Zingano throws a low kick but Reneau counters with a hard-right hand. Zingano shoots and completes a double leg takedown. Reneau is a BJJ Blackbelt and has won from her back before. Back on the feet and Reneau forces the fight against the fence with an under hook. She lands some hard forearms on Zingano and is continuing to control he pace. Reneau jumps guard and is now working from her back. They are back on the feet but only briefly before Zingano scores with a body lock takedown. 10-9 Zingano
Round 2: Reneau starts the round with a nice combination. Zingano changes level and completes a takedown. Reneau is looking to set something up from her back but Zingano elects to stand up. Zingano lands a hard-low kick that causes Reneau to stumble. Zingano scores with a trip and again Reneau is down on her back. Reneau went for a triangle but Zingano pulled out and they are back on the feet. Reneau looks like she might be getting tired. Zingano scores with her 6th takedown of the night. 10-9 Zingano
Round 3: Zingano scores with a big takedown and finds herself in the north/south position. Reneau manages to recover guard but she really needs to make something happen here. She has 3 minutes to work. 10-9 Zingano (30-27 Zingano)
Result: Cat Zingano def. Marion Reneau via Unanimous Decision
Chad Mendes vs. Myles Jury (Featherweight/145)
Round 1: Long feeling out process to start the round. Jury has a massive height advantage in this fight. Mendes step in, fakes a right and drops Jury with a left! Jury is turtled, and Mendes is landing some hard shots and its all over! Chad Mendes returns after 16 months and stops Myles Jury in the very first round!
Result: Chad Mendes def. Myles Jury via TKO (Punches) Round 1, 2:52
Randy Brown vs. Niko Price (Welterweight/170)
Round 1: Niko Price comes out swinging early and misses with a big left. Randy Brown connects with a solid right hook. They clinch, and Brown lands a hard knee to the body. Price completes a takedown and is now working from the guard of Randy Brown. Randy Brown has the back but Price spins out of it. Brown lands a big knee with about 10 seconds in the round. 10-9 Brown
Round 2: Brown scores a takedown early and lands a big right hand. Price is fighting for an armbar, but Brown is landing some big shots. Price…okay I am not sure how to say this. Price rolled Brown up onto his knees from the turtle position and proceeded to knock him out with hammer fists. Words don’t even do that KO any justice and you just need to watch that for yourself. Just really incredible stuff and it’s just so rare to see a guy get a KO win from his back. Wow.
Result: Niko Price def. Randy Brown via KO (Punches) Round 2, 1:09
Dennis Bermudez vs. Rick Glenn (Featherweight/145)
Round 1: Rick Glenn is looking to box early. Lots of back and forth action by both guys. Glenn is bleeding from beneath his right eye but he’s otherwise looking pretty good. Glenn lands a big right hand as the round ends. 10-9 Glenn
Round 2: Bermudez connects early with a right hook. Glenn lands a nice leg kick, but Bermudez uses it to set up a double leg takedown. Bermudez is landing some hard shots from the top and he’s doing a good job of controlling Glenn’s movement on the ground. They are back in the center and Glenn lands a front kick. Bermudez moves in for another double leg and completes it. Glenn briefly gets up by Bermudez scores with another takedown. Glenn lands some hard elbows as they are getting up. Bermudez lands a hard knee but doesn’t follow it up with anything. Another hard knee lands for Bermudez and he completes his fourth takedown of the round. 10-9 Bermudez
Round 3: Bermudez opens the round with a jab and left hook combination. Bermudez shoots for a takedown but Glenn quickly escapes only to get taken right back down. Glenn rolls for a leg lock but can’t find it. Bermudez goes for another takedown, but Glenn pops his hips out and gets up again only for Bermudez to score another takedown. I’ve lost count at this point. Bermudez appears to be bleeding pretty bad. Glenn is landing some nice elbows from the bottom. Glenn rolls but Bermudez rolls with him and he now has the back. 10-9 Bermudez (29-28 Bermudez)
Result: Rick Glenn def. Dennis Bermudez via Split Decision
Sage Northcutt vs. Zak Ottow (Welterweight/170)
Round 1: Ottow lands a big shot early and Northcutt is down. Northcutt lands a nice up kick, but he looks like a fish out of water right now. Ottow is working to pass. Ottow has a guillotine but Northcutt rolls out of it. Ottow still has top control though. Northcutt is looking for an armbar but its hard to tell how deep it is. Ottow is out and moves into side control. Ottow is just bullying him right now. Northcutt is working to get up but Ottow is just glued to him. Ottow has the mount and is looking for a head and arm tringle but Northcutt escapes and they are back on the feet. Northcutt lands a big right hand! Northcutt attacks with a guillotine choke! Ottow drops to his back but Northcutt still has it and he takes the mount! Ottow could be in trouble! Saved by the bell. 10-9 Ottow
Round 2: Ottow shoots for the takedown early and completes it. He is maintaining control from the top position, but Northcutt is trying to work his way up. Northcutt is up, and he hurts Ottow with a big jab! Ottow is hurt! Northcutt scores a takedown and Ottow scrambles! Ottow grabs a leg but Northcutt hits him with several hammer fists and this fight is over! Sage Northcutt has won his first fight at welterweight in the UFC.
Result: Sage Northcutt def. Zak Ottow via TKO (Punches) Round 2, 3:34
(8) Junior Dos Santos vs. Blagoy Ivanov (Heavyweight/265)
Round 1: Ivanov has his back against the fence and Dos Santos is stalking. Dos Santos connects with a left hook. Ivanov hasn’t done much of anything to try closing the distance and that was a clear round for the former champion, 10-9 JDS.
Round 2: Dos Santos is starting to get loose. Dos Santos is toying with Ivanov. He is moving in and out at his own leisure and he’s busting Ivanov up with his jab. 10-9 JDS
Round 3: Dos Santos hurts Ivanov early. Ivanov just has no offense to offer on the feet. This reminds me a lot of the Dos Santos vs. Rothwell fight. Hard jab lands for JDS and Ivanov returns a big shot! Dos Santos head snapped back from that one. Ivanov is attacking, and Dos Santos seems a bit uncomfortable. Quite a turn of events there. 10-9 JDS
Round 4: Dos Santos connects early with a right hook. We get a brief break in the action while they cut some tape from the glove of Dos Santos. Ivanov is just running forward and trying to land but I think he’s starting to realize that he isn’t in World Series of Fighting anymore. Dos Santos lands a jab to the body. Ivanov just can’t find a way past the jab. Hard straight right lands for Dos Santos. Ivanov is moving forward looking to land a hook, but Dos Santos just isn’t there. Ivanov is showing clear signs of fatigue. 10-9 JDS
Round 5: Right hook lands for Dos Santos to start the round. Ivanov appears a bit more aggressive early on and that’s good because he absolutely needs a finish if he wants to win. Dos Santos lands a hard-left kick to the body. We have a brief pause in the action due to an eye poke from JDS. Ivanov lands a hard-right hook and follows it up with a left hook to the body. Dos Santos returns a hard shot to the body and Ivanov felt it. JDS lands a hard kick to the body that looked like it was meant for the head of Ivanov. 10-9 JDS (50-45 Dos Santos)
Result: Junior Dos Santos def. Blagoy Ivanov via Unanimous Decision
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