Felipe Silva vs. Claudio Puelles (Lightweight/155)
Round 1: I am picking up at 2:30 of the first round. Silva is on top of Puelles landing some ground and pound. Nice roll by Puelles and he is threatening with a kneebar. Silva is up, good defense by him. Puelles looking for another takedown by Silva holds him up and lands a nice knee. Flying armbar attempt by Puelles. Nothing there but it looked cool. Back on the feet, Silva lands a knee but Puelles manages to hook his leg and Silva is on his back. Puelles is looking for double legs, and Silva is countering them with under hooks. Puelles appears to have caught on and is pulling guard in these situations. Fun round. 10-9 Puelles
Round 2: Big leg kick by Silva to start the round. Puelles is taunting Silva saying the kicks don’t hurt. Just as he says that he throws himself to the ground to avoid a right hand by Silva. Puelles lands a nice left hand but he seems in a bit of a trance right now. I think Silva is bothering him for than he’s letting on. The fans are clapping right now, sounds like a weird thing to mention but you don’t hear clapping very often. Big left hook by Puelles but he isn’t looking to follow them up with anything. Silva lands a big left and a big right and Puelles is scrambling, he drops down to the mat but Silva follows him and he’s landing some big shots. Puelles is just covering up, and Silva has mount now with 35 seconds left. Silva is letting Puelles up. Interesting move there. Silva attacks and Puelles shoots but he can’t get it. 10-9 Silva He had Puelles hurt at several different times during that round.
Round 3: They trade leg kicks early. Big right hand by Silva and Puelles is down! Silva is landing some big shots but again he lets Puelles up. Left hand lands for Silva and Puelles is down again. Puelles shoots for a single leg but Silva ends up on top and is landing from there. Puelles is looking for a kneebar and its deep and its over! Wow that was an incredible comeback! Wow!!
Result: Claudio Puelles def. Felipe Silva via Submission (Kneebar) Round 3, 2:22
Henry Briones vs. Frankie Saenz (Bantamweight/135)
Side note: Frankie Saenz looks like he saw a ghost just seconds before walking out to the cage. With that being said he is formerly ranked in the bantamweight division and at 37 years old he is one of the oldest active fighters competing in the lighter weight classes. Briones is 1-3 in the UFC but has fought some tough competition including former champion Cody Garbrandt.
Round 1: Saenz lands a nice body shot with an overhand follow up. Nice combination there. He’s rushing in with big shots and Briones doesn’t seem sure of how to handle them. Mostly just defense by Briones so far, Saenz is being very aggressive. Takedown against the fence by Saenz and Briones is scrambling to get out. 10-9 Saenz
Round 2: Saenz lands a big right hand that sends Briones down. He pops up and grabs a clinch but can’t do anything with it. Saenz gets a takedown and is on top in Briones guard. Briones is working to his feet but Saenz is making him work hard for it. Low kick by Saenz but Briones lands a nice body shot as well. Saenz grabs a clinch and lands some nice knees. Briones is bleeding from the left side of his face and it isn’t pretty. 10-9 Saenz
Round 3: Saenz gets a takedown early and is landing some short shots on the ground. Briones is working to his feet but he’s carrying all of his opponent’s weight. Saenz gets him down again but can’t keep him their long. 50 seconds remain in the fight. Saenz gets Briones down again and has the back with one hook in. dominant performance by Saenz. 10-9 Saenz (30-27 Saenz)
Result: Frankie Saenz def. Henry Briones via Unanimous Decision
Brandon Davis vs. Enrique Barzola (Featherweight)
Side Note- Enrique Barzola is a former ultimate fighter winner while Davis is coming off a fight of the night winning performance.
Round 1: Barzola lands a low kick that knocks Davis to the mat. Davis is up but Barzola quickly trips him back down and has the back briefly but can’t hold on. Barzola gets a big takedown and has the back again, he’s had a body lock for over a minute at this point. They trade shots at the end of the round. 10-9 Barzola
Round 2: Barzola is looking for a takedown early and gets it with no trouble. Barzola lifts Davis off the ground and slams him. Davis is taking deep breathes from underneath Barzola and isn’t doing anything to work his way up. Barzola works his way towards a guillotine but Davis won’t let him have it. They are briefly up but Barzola gets another easy takedown. Absolute domination in the wrestling department by Barzola tonight. He has the back with both hooks in and is looking for a rear naked choke. Davis gets to his feet with 20 seconds left but can’t find anything and Barzola puts him right back down on the mat. 10-8 Barzola
Round 3: Another round of dominant wrestling by Barzola. 10-9 Barzola (30-26 Barzola)
Result: Enrique Barzola def. Brandon Davis via Unanimous Decision
Humberto Bandenay vs. Gabriel Benitez (Featherweight/145)
Round 1: Gabriel Benitez lands an uppercut right on the jaw and Bandenay is down! Bandenay looking for an armbar and it looks deep! Benitez with the slam and Bandenay is out!
Result: Gabriel Benitez def. Humberto Bandenay via TKO (Slam and Punches) Round 1, 0:39
Brandon Moreno vs. Alexandre Pantoja (Flyweight/125)
Round 1: Brandon Moreno is throwing some wild strikes early but Pantoja having success with his right hand. Moreno whiffs on a low kick but lands a back fist at the end. Pantoja seems to have hurt Moreno with a left hand but it was hard to tell which one. Moreno is taking a beating. Pantoja has Moreno down and he’s looking for a Darce but can’t get it. 10-8 Pantoja
Round 2: Moreno is busted open at the start of the round; the corner wasn’t able to do very much for him. Left hand by Moreno but he eats three or four shots in return. Pantoja is inviting Moreno to hit him. Nice leg kick by Pantoja. Moreno has looked better in this round but that’s mostly due to Pantoja slowing his output. Moreno lands a solid left hand but doesn’t seem to have the energy to follow it up with anything. Moreno is wobbled I think from a left hand. 10-9 Pantoja
Round 3: More of the same, lots of back and forth action but Moreno is just a bit slower to the punch. His lead leg is badly damaged but his movement doesn’t appear to restricted. Big right hand by Moreno but Pantoja lands a nice body kick in return. Moreno catches a kick and tries to get a takedown but can’t quite get it. They are swinging wildly with 10 seconds left! 10-9 Pantoja (30-26 Pantoja)
Result: Alexandre Pantoja def. Brandon Moreno via Unanimous Decision
Zak Cummings vs. Michel Prazeres (Welterweight/170)
Round 1: Prazeres gets a takedown early and so far, he’s looking exactly like he looked at lightweight. Cummings gets up though and lands a nice jab. Prazeres is just looking to get this fight back down, he’s giving up quite a size advantage. 10-9 Prazeres They butted heads at some point during the round and both have gashes.
Round 2: Prazeres gets a body lock and forces the fight against the fence. Cummings defends while he can but Prazeres gets a nice trip takedown but can’t keep his opponent down. Cummings lands a nice combination against the fence that appears to have cut Prazeres. Cummings is controlling against the fence but not much else is happening. Prazeres lands a right hand but doesn’t look to follow it up with anything. Cummings attempts a super man uppercut but eats a right hook for his efforts. 10-9 Cummings
Round 3: Prazeres lands a right hook with a left hook follow up to start the round. Cummings left eye is a mess but it doesn’t seem to be affecting him right now. Lots of inactivity in this round, both guys look tired. Prazeres is working hard for a takedown but Cummings managed to shake him and put him against the fence. The ref steps in and the are separated. Blood is pouring out of Cummings eye wound. Prazeres gets a takedown with just a few seconds left. 10-9 Prazeres (29-28 Prazeres)
Result: Michel Prazeres def. Zak Cummings via Split Decision
Vicente Luque Def. Chad Laprise via KO (Punch) Round 1, 4:16
My apologies but I missed this fight.
Veronica Macedo vs. Andrea Lee (Women’s Flyweight)
Round 1: They exchange low kicks early. Spinning back kick by Macedo just misses and Lee returns a leg kick. Takedown by Lee but she stands up and is kicking at the legs of Macedo. Macedo lands a high kick and Lee might be hurt! Lee gets a body lock and takes Macedo down. Lee takes the back and has a rear naked choke but hard to tell how deep it is. 10-9 Lee
Round 2: Lee gets a head and arm throw to start the round but Macedo almost manages a sweep. Lee manages to stay in top position but that was a close one. Lee is up kicking at Macedo’s legs. Odd that the ref hasn’t separated them. Macedo is just staying on her back doing nothing, strange game plan for her. The ref stands Macedo up and Lee quickly gets a body lock and the fight is back on the ground with Lee on top. Macedo rolls for a kneebar and it looks tight by Lee is fighting it. Lee is somehow on top now and looking for a head and arm triangle with 10 seconds left. 10-9 Lee
Round 3: Lee gets a trip early and ends up in Macedo’s guard. She quickly stands up though and again is kicking at the legs of Macedo without any sort of resistance. Macedo seems content to just lay on her back. Lee takes top position and is looking for a rear naked choke. She is dominating on the ground. Lee looking for a triangle but Macedo slides out of it with 15 seconds left. 10-9 Lee (30-27 Lee)
Result: Andre Lee def. Veronica Macedo via Unanimous Decision
Diego Rivas vs. Guido Cannetti (Bantamweight/135)
Round 1: Guido Cannetti gets a nice trip takedown and is in Rivas half guard. Rivas is looking for an armbar, but Cannetti slams his way out of it. Cannetti takes the back but he only has one hook in. Rivas stands up with Cannetti still on his back. Rivas escapes with 10 seconds left. 10-9 Cannetti
Round 2: The round starts with Rivas taking a kick to the groin. He will get 5 minutes to recover. Back to the action and Rivas catches a Cannetti body kick and puts him on his back. Cannetti sweeps though and is now in side control. Rivas isn’t going much to get up from here. Back on the feet and Rivas gets a big takedown, and he has a guillotine but can’t finish it. Cannetti is on top with one-minute remaining.
Round 3: Rivas is landing some big shots against the fence but Cannetti drops down and he has a guillotine. Its hard to tell how deep it is and Rivas it out of it. Rivas is probably down two rounds and likely needs a finish here. He is attacking with punches but Cannetti is firing back. Decent fight. 10-9 Rivas (29-28 Cannetti)
Result: Guido Cannetti def. Diego Rivas via Unanimous Decision
Jared Cannonier vs. Dominick Reyes (Light-Heavyweight/205)
Round 1: After some back and forth striking we see Reyes look for a single leg but Cannonier shakes him. Lots of missed shots being thrown by both guys. Reyes is keeping up a heavy pace and throwing lots of ones and twos. Cannonier lands a nice left hand. Reyes lands an uppercut and Cannonier is hurt, he’s scrambling by Reyes is staying in him. Reyes lands another uppercut and its over!
Result: Dominick Reyes def. Jared Cannonier via KO (Uppercut) Round 1, 2:55
Alexa Grasso vs. Tatiana Suarez (Women’s Strawweight)
Round 1: Suarez gets a head and arm takedown against the fence. Grasso briefly looks for a triangle but can’t find it. Suarez is applying heavy pressure from the top and now has the back. Grasso is in trouble here and its all over.
Result: Tatiana Suarez def. Alexa Grasso via Submission (RNC) Round 1, 2:44
Damian Maia vs. Kamaru Usman (Welterweight/170)
Round 1: Maia goes for a takedown early and nearly gets it. They’re tied up against the fence right now, not much movement. The ref steps in and they are separated. Usman lands a solid jab with 30 seconds remaining. Maia returns a left hand of his own. Slow round. 10-9 Usman
Round 2: Usman lands a leg kick to start the round. Maia goes for a takedown but Usman sprawls and has a front head lock. Hard jab by Usman. Maia looking for a takedown but can’t get it. Maia misses on another takedown. They are against the fence and Maia jumps guard with 20 seconds left. 10-9 Usman Very slow fight
Round 3: Lots of back and forth jabs here but not much happening. Usman is running Maia down and Maia drops for a takedown but can’t get it. Maia has got to figure something else out besides a single leg, he keeps shooting and just can’t get it. 10-9 Usman
Round 4: Usman lands a right hand early and Maia is down. Usman is on top landing shots. Usman lets Maia up and they are back in the center. Usman stuffs another takedown attempt from Maia. Not much happening here. 10-9 Usman
Round 5: More of the same. Usman gets a takedown and Maia goes for a head and arm triangle from the bottom but can’t get it. Big right-hand lands for Usman. I don’t mean to be critical but this was a bad fight to top off a bad card. I love MMA but this was painful to watch. Cards like this just shouldn’t take place. It waters everything down and serves as ammunition for people who say the sport is falling off. 10-9 Usman (49-46 Usman)
Result: Usman via Unanimous Decision
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