DECEMBER 17, 2016
Michael Grocke here to take you through UFC on FOX 22 which takes place at the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento, California.
The main event features UFC darling Paige VanZant in a strawweight bout against veteran Michelle Waterson. VanZant will look to keep her momentum going after a highlight wheel knockout of Bec Rawlings. The co-main features a fight between two up and coming prospects as Sage Northcutt takes on Mickey Gall.
The main card rounds out with Urijah Faber taking on Brad Pickett in a bantamweight bout and in the welterweight division, knockout specialist Mike Perry goes up against Alan Jouban.
Make sure to follow along right here all night, and follow me on Twitter @FightChampBlog
Early Prelims – Fight Pass (2:30 p.m. CST)
(1) Bojan Velickovic (14-3-1) vs. Sultan Aliev (13-2) – Welterweight 170 lbs.
ROUND ONE: They circle right. Velickovic in the center of the cage. Velickovic has a front kick blocked. Low kick for Velickovic. Left misses. Another low kick lands for Velickovic. Slow start for Aliev. Velickovic misses a kick. Aliev misses a right. Low kick for Velickovic. Aliev lands a right. Inside kick for Velickovic. Aliev trying to gauge the range. Aliev shoots and scores a takedown. Velickovic goes for an armbar from underneath. Velickovic trying to change the angle for a triangle. Aliev lands an elbow from top position. Aliev lands two big right hands as Velickovic stands. Aliev works inn the clinch as the round ends.
10-9 Aliev
ROUND TWO: Aliev’s corner urges him to push the pace. Velickovic misses a left to open the round. He misses another left. Aliev misses a right. Velickovic lands two kicks and follows with a left hand. Velickovic misses with a kick and a left to the body. Aliev lands a right and scores a takedown. Top position for Aliev. Aliev working ground and pound. Velickovic scrambles but can’t make it back to his feet. Aliev appears to be bleeding from a headbutt. Velickovic stands but is taken down again. Velickovic has a hold of the neck but loses it. Aliev in top position. Good active guard from Velickovic. More ground and pound from Aliev as the round ends.
10-9 Aliev, but a very close round. Velickovic working well from underneath.
ROUND THREE: Close fight entering the final round. Velickovic takes center of the cage. Aliev misses a big right hand. Velickovic shoots but is stuffed. Velickovic works in the clinch. Aliev spins and switches position against the fence. Velickovic breaks free and back to the center of the cage. Aliev goes for a takedown but Velickovic ends up in top position. Aliev reverses position. Aliev has three takedowns in the fight so far. Velickovic in half guard. Aliev with more ground and pound. Aliev spending a lot of the fight in top control. Under a minute to go. Aliev looks to better his position, but Velickovic working well from the bottom as the round ends.
10-9 Aliev
Result: Aliev by split decision (28-29, 30-27, 30-27)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: A lot of grappling in that fight. Aliev spent most of the fight in top control while working ground and pound. Not much damage was done, but enough to get the victory.
(2) Hector Sandoval (12-3) vs. Fredy Serrano (3-1) – Flyweight 125 lbs.
ROUND ONE: Serrano comes out and misses a head kick. He misses another kick. Another miss. He fakes shooting. Sandoval scores a takedown but Serrano is up quickly. Sandoval lands some big punches which may have hurt Serrano. Sandoval works the body in the clinch. Serrano pushes off and they are back to center of the cage. Big right lands for Sandoval and Serrano looks stunned. Serrano clinches, Sandoval pushes off. Another right lands for Sandoval after faking a flying knee. Serrano lands a left on the break. Center cage. Serrano working a lot of front kicks to keep Sandoval away. Inside leg lands for Serrano. Another leg kick lands. Big left lands out of the clinch for Sandoval. They both go for flying knees at the same time as the round ends.
10-9 Sandoval
ROUND TWO: Sandoval takes center cage. Sandoval lands a big right after Serrano fakes shooting in. He has Serrano’s neck but loses it. Serrano scrambles and both fighters are up. Sandoval controlling the octagon. Sandoval with a big kick to the body. Serrano scores with a kick to the body. Sandoval cutting off the cage extremely well. They clinch. Sandoval lands two short right hands. Serrano is out. Kick lands for Serrano. Serrano picking up the offense. Sandoval landing at very high percentage. Sandoval slips but Serrano can’t capitalize. Heavy leg kick lands for Serrano. Sandoval lands one to the body and follows with a left to Serrano’s temple.
10-9 Sandoval
ROUND THREE: Sandoval shoots and scores a takedown as the third round starts. He has a front headlock but loses it. They clinch against the fence. Serrano lands a heavy leg kick on the break. Another kick lands. The action slows with three minutes left. Serrano misses a kick. Sandoval takes Serrano’s back after missing a head kick. Serrano is out. Serrano lands another heavy leg kick. Serrano misses a combination. Sandoval staying on the outside and moving well. They trade right hands. Kick to the body for Serrano. Another body kick for Serrano. Sandoval playing it safe. They clinch and Sandoval lands a right hook on the break. They scramble as the round ends,
10-9 Serrano
Result: Sandoval by UD (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: Excellent performance from Sandoval. He beat the wrestler at his own game.
(3) Eddie Wineland (22-11-1) vs. Takeya Mizugaki (21-10-2) – Bantamweight 135 lbs.
ROUND ONE: They trade punches as the fight starts. Winelands lands two jabs. Mizugaki lands a leg kick. Wineland misses a big right hand. Overhand right lands for Mizugaki and follows with a jab. Mizugaki lands a combination. Wineland lands a nice jab. Mizugaki doing a nice job of owning the middle of the octagon. Both fighters happy to stand and trade. They exchange right hands. Big right hand drops Mizugaki. Mizugaki gets back to his feet and eats another right hand. The ref steps in and the fight is over.
Result: Wineland by TKO (3:04 of Round 1)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: This fight was only going to end one way, and that way by knockout. The only question was who will land the big shot first. Answer – Eddie Wineland.
Prelims – Fox Sports 1 (4:00 p.m. CST)
(4) Leslie Smith (8-7-1) vs. Irene Aldana (7-2) – Bantamweight 135 lbs.
ROUND ONE: Aldana opens with a jab. They trade right hands. Aldana taking advantage of her reach. Smith goes to the body. Smith with a combination. Aldana counters with a right hand. Big left hand rocks Aldana and Smiith swarms. Aldana gets back to her feet and lands a right hand of her own. Smith gets inside and lands big shots. Aldana still looks out of it. Smith keeps the pressure on. Both fighters land big punches. They clinch and Smith lands an uppercut. Combination lands for Aldana. Smith counters with a right. Aldana bleeding from her nose. They trade big shots. Smith landing against the fence as the round ends.
10-9 Smith
ROUND TWO: Aldana with a nice jab. Low kick lands for Aldana. Smith is following Aldana around the cage. Low kick for Aldana. They trade right hands. Leg kick for Smith. Head kick blocked by Aldana. Both fighters trying to establish their jabs. Knee to the body for Smith. Smith really pushing the pace. Smith pushes Aldaan to the fence and lands to the body. Aldana spins out. Straight lands for Smith. Aldana counters with a right of her own. Both fighters landing at a high percentage. Two lefts land for Aldana. Aldana lands an uppercut. Smith lands a leg kick. Right lands for Smith and Aldana circles as the round ends.
10-9 Aldana, but a very close round.
ROUND THREE: They come out swinging to start the third. They circle left. They trade punches. Smith goes to the body and scores. A combination lands for Aldana. This has been a fast paced fight. Smith goes to the body again. Aldana misses a right, and eats a right hand counter. Smith has Aldana against the fence and landing. Aldana gets off the fence and back to center cage. Nice uppercut from Aldana. They both miss jabs. Smith presses against the fence and lands to the body. Aldana goes to the body. Smith keeps the pressure on. Right hook for Smith. Aldana goes to the body. Head lick misses for Smith. Aldana scores a takedown but is up quickly as the fight ends.
Result: Smith by UD (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: That was an incredible fight. The pace was ridiculous. Leslie Smith just kept coming and coming. Aldana showed great heart by surviving after getting dropped in the first round. An excellent win for Smith.
(5) Josh Emmett (10-0) vs. Scott Holtzman (9-1) – Lightweight 155 lbs.
ROUND ONE: Holtzman takes the center of the octagon. Holtzman lands a short uppercut. Emmett shoots and runs Holtzman tot the fence. Holtzman fights him off. Holtzman lands a knee. Back to the center of the cage. Emmett misses a big left. Emmett misses a jab and Holtzman lands an overhand right. Low blow from Holtzman. The fight continues. Eye poke from Emmett. The fight continues. They both miss punches. Center cage. Emmett scores a takedown, Holtzman is right back up. Holtzman showing excellent defense. They clinch against the fence. Emmett picks Holtzman up and scores the takedown. Holtzman up quickly. Holtzman scores a takedown and in top position. He works ground and pound up against the fence. Emmett scrambles and is up. They clinch against the fence. Holtzman lands a few knees. Emmett pushes off as the round ends.
10-9 Emmett, but a very close round.
ROUND TWO: Holtzman comes out swinging but doesn’t land much. Emmett scores a takedown. Holtzman up quickly. Emmett lands three big right hands. Holtzman fires back and lands. Holtzman with a knee. Emmett gets another takedown. Holtzman gives up his back. Holtzman out the back door. Holtzman gets a trip. Emmett back up quickly. They clinch. Emmett pushes off. Holtzman shoots and gets the takedown. Holtzman in top control. Emmett goes for a heel hook. Emmett scrambles and is in top position. He has Holtzman’s back. Holtzman chucks him off. They clinch against the fence. This is a high paced, heavy fight. Holtzman working in the clinch. They separate. Emmett looks gassed. Emmett misses a head kick. He goes for a flying knee as the round ends.
10-9 Holtzman, but another close round.
ROUND THREE: Left hook lands for Emmett. He lands a straight right. They trade punches. A combination for Emmett. Both fighters land knees to the body. Right hand lands for Holtzman. Big counter right hand rocks Holtzman. Both fighters are gassed and throwing haymakers. Holtzman shoots and scores a takedown. Emmett up quickly. They clinch against teh fence. Biig takedown for Emmett. Holtzman to his feet immediately. Holtzman landing elbows with his back to the fence. Flying knee to the body for Holtzman. Emmett grabs a leg gets a takedown. Holtzman works to his feet and back to center cage. They trade big shots. Emmett catches a leg and gets another takedown. Holtzman up. Big right hand from Emmett as the round ends.
10-9 Emmett
Result: Emmett by UD (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: Back to back wars. That was another great fight. Both fighters were gassed that last round and gave it everything they had. The last takedown from Emmett might have won him the fight. Great performance from both guys.
(6) James Moontasri (9-4) vs. Alex Morono (12-3) – Welterweight 170 lbs.
ROUND ONE: Leg kick from Morono. Head kick blocked by Moontasri. Moontasri to the body. Outside leg kick scores for Morono. Head kick blocked by Morono. Body kick misses from Moontasri. Leg kick misses from Morono. Moontasri with a kick to the body after Morono misses a spinning head kick. Front kick from Moontasri. Morono works from the center of the cage. Stiff left lnds for moontasri. They trade kicks but Monntasri gets the better of the exchange. Moonntasri catches a kick and lands a kick of his own to the body. Moontasri lands a straight right hand. A left just misses for Moontasri. Morono keeping the pressure on but not landing much. They circle as the round ends.
10-9 Moontasri. All James Moontasri that round.
ROUND TWO: Morono misses a low leg kick. Morono misses a head kick. Big right lands for Morono as swings wildly. They circle center cage. Morono blocks a kick. Spinning back fist misses for Morono. Moontasri with a nice kick to the body. Big right from Moontasri. Inside leg kick for Morono. Spinning back kick for Moontasri. Center cage they trade punches. Both miss punnches and circle right. Morono lands a big right. They clinch against the fence. Morono lands two right hands. Moontasri pushes off and back rto center cage. Kick to the ribs for Moontasri. Moontasri pushes Morono to the fence and lands short punches. Back to center cage and Morono lands a huge spinning back fist and it stuns Moontasri. The horn sounds and he can’t follow it up.
10-9 Morono
ROUND THREE: Leg kkick misses for Moontasri. Inside leg kick lands for Moontasri. Morono continues to cut off the cage. Moontasri has to stay off the fence. Right alnds for Morono as he chases Moonntasri around the cage. Morono takes a big kick to the body. Big right hand lands for Morono. He has Moontasri against the fence and lands more big shots. Moontasri is dazed. Morono catches his breath and lands another right hand. They clinch against the cage and Morono lands a big elbow. Short uppercut lands. Moontasri pushes off and is gassed. Elbow lands for Morono followed by an uppercut. Stiff jab for Morono followed by a right. Kick lands for Moontasri. Both fighters gassed. Morono misses a big sweeping right hand. They trade in the middle of the octagon. Moontasri lands a spinning kick to the body and tries to follow it up but the fight ends.
10-9 Morono
Result: Morono by UD (29-28,29-28,29-28)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: Alex Morono took over after the first round and just took it t to Moontasri. I have to give Moontasri credit for not getting finished after he was hurt badly multiple times.
(7) Bryan Barberena (12-3) vs. Colby Covington (10-1) – Welterweight 170 lbs.
ROUND ONE: Covington takes center octagon. Leg kick misses for Barberena. Covington has a head kick blocked. Covington clinches against the cage. Covington scores a takedown. Barberena up quickly. Covington brings the fight to the ground again. Barberena up, and back down. Barberena tries to get up but is kept on the mat. Strong wrestling from Covington. Covington keeps the pressure on against the fence. Nice elbow from Barberena. Both fighters at center cage. Barberena lands. Covington with a nice right and follows with an uppercut. They circle as the round ends.
10-9 Covington
ROUND TWO: Leg kick for Barberena. Barberena blocks a head kick. Covinngton with a takedown thirty seconds in. Barberena works back to his feet. They clinch against the fence. Barberena breaks free from the clinch. Nice left from Barberena. Big combination from Covington and right back to the clinch. Barberena is out. Covington lands a big combination. Another takedown for Covington. Barberena explodes up and is back to his feet. Covington clinches and pulls Barberena back down. A wrestling clinic being put on from Colby Covington. Both fighters to their feet. Barberena lands a right hand. Big right lands for Covington. They circle and the round ends.
10-9 Covington
ROUND THREE: Barberena needs a finish. They trade punches. Covington with, yes, you guessed it another takedown. Barberena gets back to his feet. Covington clinches against the cage. Barberean lands a short elbow and is out. Barberena misses a left and is taken dowwn again. Barberena back up. Nine takedowns for covington. They clinch against the fence. Barberean pushes off and back to center cage. They trade big shots center octagon. Low kick for Barberena. Covington clinnches againnst the cage under two minutes to go. Back to the center. Both fighters swinging wildly. Barberena with two lefts. Kick to the body for Barberena. Covington clinches and takes Barberena down for the eleventh time. Barberena tries landing from bottom as the fight ends.
10-9 Covington
Result: Covington by UD (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: While Covington’s style doesn’t make for the most exciting fights, it’s effective. He put on a wrestling clinic here. Barberena’s ability to get to his feet repeatedly was impressive, but he wasn’t able to get his offense going at any point in the fight. Dominate performance from Covington.
(8) Cole Miller (21-10, 1 NC) vs. Mizuto Hirota (18-7-2) – Featherweight 145 lbs.
ROUND ONE: Low kick lands for Miller. Hirota gets inside and goes for a takedown. Back to the center. Miller lands a few jabs. Miller lands a big left hand that stuns Hirota. Center cage and Hirota seems to have his wits about him. Leg kick lands for Hirota. Miller returns the favor. Hirota goes to the body and follows with a right to the jaw. Nice right hand for Miller and Hirota lands one of his own and gets a takedown. Miller back up. He lands a knee center cage. Hirota scores a takedown. Hirota lands short right hands from top position. Hirota stays high so Miller can’t grab his neck. He lands more ground and pound as the round ends.
10-9 Hirota
ROUND TWO: Miller’s fighting stance allows Hirota to get inside easily for takedowns. Nice combination from Hirota. Leg kick misses for Miller. Hirota throws a combination and follows with a takedown. Miller reverses and is in top position. Hirota landing short punches with his back against the fence. Hirota reverses. Hirota tries to improve his position. He postures up and lands a few shots. Hirota doing a good job controlling Miller. Hirota landing damaging ground punches. Hirota continues in top control as the round ends.
10-9 Hirota
ROUND THREE: Miller opens with a leg kick. Left lands for Miller. Hirota gets inside and pushes Miller to the fence. Miller is off. They trade from the center of the octagon. Miller lands a knee. Hirota with a takedown and works from top position. Miller just doesn’t have an answer for anything Hirota is doing. Hirota doing just enough to keep from getting separated. Hirota working ground and pound but not doing much damage. I’m not sure what Miller’s game plan was coming into the fight but this can’t be it. Hirota lands big shots from top position. Miller looks either gasses or he’s not trying very hard to improve his position. Hirota finishing strong with ground and pound as the fight ends.
Result: Hirota by UD (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: That was a dominant and somewhat surprising performance from Mizuto Hirota. Cole Miller just didn’t have an answer for anything Hirota was doing.
(9) Henrique da Silva (12-0) vs. Paul Craig (8-0) – Light Heavyweight 205 lbs.
ROUND ONE: No hand slap from Craig who comes out and misses a head kick. da Silva clinches against the fence. Craig lands a knee. da Silva lands one of his own. Craig landing multiple uppercuts. da Silva to the body. Craig pushes off and lands a takedown. da Silva looking for a kimura. da Silva is cut above the eye. Craig in top position. He transitions to side control. da Silva rolls and reverses position. Craig grabs hold of the neck. da Silva gets out of it with under a minute to go. da Silva in top position. da Silva allows Craig up. Craig misses a spinning kick. Craig with a takedown as the round ends.
10-9 Craig
ROUND TWO: Craig takes center octagon. Craig clinches against the cage. da Silva looks tired already. da Silva reverses and has Craig against the fence. They separate. Craig lands two kicks. Big right rom da Silva. da Silva follows with a takedown. Craig pulls him into his guard and has an armbar after giving up on a triangle. He’s got the armbar and da Silva taps.
Result: Craig by submission (1:59 of Round 2 – Armbar)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: Excellent debut for Paul Craig. He stays undefeated with a slick submission. da Silva didn’t look good at point in this fight.
Main Card – FOX (7:00 p.m. CST)
(10) Alan Jouban (14-4) vs. Mike Perry (9-0) – Welterweight 170 lbs.
ROUND ONE: Jouban lands a kick and a straight right hand that hurts Perry. Perry pressuring and trying to close distance. Jouban blocks a head kick. Right hand partially blocked by Jouban. Jouban clinches against the cage and scores a takedown. Back to the feet. Perry blocks a kick. Perry rushes in with no success. Jouban lands a nice right. Perry connects with a head kick but not flush. They circle. Perry lands a right. Body kick from Jouban. Nice leg kick lands for Jouban. Jouban doing a nice job mixing things up. Straight left for Perry. Kick to the body for Jouban as the round ends.
10-9 Jouban
ROUND TWO: Perry takes center cage. Front kick misses from Perry. Kick to the body for Jouban. Jouban with a nice body kick after a knee landed. Perry continues to stalk Jouban down. Low kick for Perry. Jouban with a left lands and he shoots for a takedown. He doesn’t get it, back to center cage. Leg kick for Jouban. Perry tries to cut off the cage. Jouban ducks a high kick. Perry goes to the body with a kick. Jouban trying to keep distance. Jouban with a body kick. Both ffighers carrying their hands low. Perry goes to the body and follows with a left hand. Jouban rocks Perry with a huge left hand that drops Perry. Perry is back up as the round ends. The round ended before Jouban can capitalize.
10-9 Jouban
ROUND THREE: Leg kick for Perry. Jouban fakes a front kick. Straight right for Perry. They trade jabs. Jouban doing an excellent job staying off the fence. Perry continues to stalk Jouban down. They trade punches. They circle center octagon. Kick to the body for Jouban. Inside leg kick for Jouban. A combination lands flush for Jouban. Head kick followed by a punch for Jouban. Jouban starting to move forward as Perry backs up. Body kick for Jouban. Jouban keeping distance. Jouban shoots for a single but is unsuccessful. Jouban with a kick to the body. The fight ends as they circle.
10-9 Jouban
Result: Jouban by UD (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: I didn’t expect that fight to go the distance. That was a great performance from Alan Jouban. He did an excellent job of mixing up his attack, and those kicks took a serious toll on Mike Perry. Perry’s game was exposed in this fight. He had no answer for all of Jouban’s attacks to the body.
(11) Urijah Faber (33-10) vs. Brad Pickett (26-12) – Bantamweight 135 lbs.
ROUND ONE: Leg kick misses for Pickett. Front kick for Faber. They trade left hands. Faber keeping distance using his jab. Leg kick misses again for Pickett. Faber shoots in but doesn’t finish. Leg kick misses for Pickett. Faber landing quick shots. He lands a right hand. Faber goes for a single leg and runs Pickett to the fence. Pickett spins and has top position. Faber works to his feet and lands a huge left hand that drops Pickett. Faber pounces and goe for the RNC. Pickett works out of it. Pickett getting blasted from the bottom. Faber goes for another RNC but loses it. Faber in full mount. Pickett rolls through but Faber maintains top control. The round ends with Faber on Picket’s back.
10-8 Faber
ROUND TWO: They trade punches to open the round. Faber is beating Pickett to the punch every time. Leg kick lands for Pickett. Another lands. Faber goes for a single leg but misses. Right hand for Faber. They circle to the left. Pickett goes for a knee but Faber catches it. Faber scores a takedown. He works in top position against the fence. Pickett tries to scramble but Faber holds on to a front headlock. Faber takes Pickett’s back. Pickett is out and back to center cage. Pickett throws a combination. Faber pushes forward and lands a right and PPickett goes down. Faber goes for a RNC. Pickett scrambles and is out. Both fighters on their feet at center octagon. Pickett misses a leg kick. Pickett lands a jab. Faber scores a takedown just as the round ends.
10-9 Faber
ROUND THREE: Pickett needs a finish as they start the last round. The crowd is on their feet. Head kick is blocked by Pickett. Faber goes for a single leg and gets the takedown. Pickett grabs the neck but loses his grip. Faber has a front headlock. Pickett works to his feet. Back to center octagon. They circle left and Faber scores another takedown. Faber wworks his way up Pickett’s body into side control. Faber goes for a RNC but Pickett blocks him. Faber back to side control. Pickett is bloody. Faber working ground and pound. Big right hand lands for Faber. Pickett scrambles and is back to his feet. Pickett lands a big left and drops Faber. Faber is up immediately. They circle at the center of the octagon. Pickett lands two leg kicks. They stand center cage, Faber with another takedown as the fight ends.
10-9 Faber
Result: Faber by UD (30-26, 30-26, 30-26)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: Total domination from the California Kid! Now that’s the way to close out a career. The next stop for Urijah Faber…the Hall of Fame.
(12) Sage Northcutt (8-1) vs. Mickey Gall (3-0) – Welterweight 170 lbs.
ROUND ONE: Gall circles right. Northcutt works from the center of the cage. They clinch and Gall runs Northcutt to the fence. He scores a takedown. Gall looks for a guillotine. Gall transitions to side control. Northcuttt scrambles and Gall grabs the neck. Northcutt fights it off and now has top position. Gall kicks Northcutt off and Northcutt lands a big hammer punch. Both fighters back to their feet. Northcutt lands a left hook. Gall catches a kick and gets a takedown stopping Northcutt’s momentum. Northcutt works from full guard. Northcutt rolls and Gall transitions nicely to mount. He lands a few shots just as the round ends.
10-9 Gall
ROUND TWO: They trade punches. Nothcutt lands a big left hand.Gall goes down but Northcutt lefs him back up. Northcutt lands another left hook. They clinch and Gall lands a huge right hand that drops Northcutt. Gall pounces and takes Northcutt’s back. Gall looks for the choke. Northcutt fights it. Gall sinks it in deeper. Northcutt taps.
Result: Gall by submission ( 1:40 of Round 2 – RNC)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: Impressive, Mickey Gall has skills. The Sage Northcutt hype train has been officially derailed.
(13) Paige VanZant (7-2) vs. Michelle Waterson (13-4)
ROUND ONE: Waterson opens with a body kick. They circle right. Right hand lands for Waterson. Waterson stands center cage. VanZant moving side to side. Right hand from Waterson as VanZant moves in. Waterson clinches against the fence. VanZant lands knees to the body. Waterson throws VanZant for the takedown. She has a bodylock. She has a RNC. This is in deep. VanZant is in big trouble. VanZant goes out without tapping. Big John steps in to end it.
Result: Waterson by submission (3:21 of Round 1 – RNC)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: To say that was a huge win for Michelle Waterson would be an under statement. That was high-level grappling from her and she just put the rest of the division on notice.
That’s now two hype trains to go off the rails. I’m not quite sure where this leaves PVZ. I’m curious to see how UFC books her going forward.
For me though, tonight was all about the great Urijah Faber and his dominating performance in his final fight.
That’ll do it for me. Follow me on Twitter @FightChampBlog
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