
NOVEMBER 5, 2016
Michael Grocke here with you to take you through UFC Fight Night 98. I’ll have live round by round coverage of tonight’s main fights, with quick results and commentary on the prelims. Make sure to follow along right here all night, and follow me on Twitter @FightChampBlog
Fight Pass Prelims
(1) Enrique Barzola vs. Chris Avila (Featherweight 145 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: Avila takes the center of the octagon. Nice knee to the head from Barzola, who follows with a takedown. Avila is up quickly. Avila lands an overhand right. Barzola pins Avila up against the cage and scores a takedown. Barzola takes Avila’s back, but Avila works his way up and lands a right hand. Both fighters stand in the middle of the cage and exchange jabs. Barzola scores a single-leg takedown. Avila is up and misses a big right. Barzola lands a leg kick. Avila with a combination. Both fighters swing wildly and miss as the round ends.
10-9 Barzola
ROUND TWO: Barzola scores a takedown to open the round. Avila is up easily, but finds himself against the cage again. Nice uppercut from Barzola. Avila scores a short left. Barzola with another takedown and is in top control. He transitions to side control and lands a few punches to the head of Avila. Barzola lands a right hand. Big body shot from Barzola lands. Avila looks gassed as the round ends.
10-9 Barzola
ROUND THREE: Barzola with a knee to the body and follows with a combination. Avila misses wildly and is taken down for his effort. Barzola has his back, but Avila works his way back up They trade jabs. Avila scores to the body. Avila lands a right but it doesn’t faze Barzola. Barzola with yet another takedown. He lands left hands to Avila’s left temple. Barzola continues to land as Avila works back to his feet. Avila slips and Barzola scores another takedown as the round ends.
10-9 Barzola
Result: Barzola by decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-26)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: All Barzola in this one. A clean sweep.
(2) Marco Polo Reyes vs. Jason Novelli (Lightweight 155 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: Novelli lands an inside leg kick. A long feeling out process from both fighters. Reyes lands a nice combination. Reyes blocks a head kick from Novelli. Novelli lands a right and shoots but Reyes recovers nicely. Big right from Novelli lands and follows with a straight right. Reyes lands a left hand.
10-9 Reyes (Tough round to score)
ROUND TWO: Reyes misses wildly with a kick. He lands a right hand. Novelli scores with an inside leg kick. He lands another kick. Reyes lands to the body as Novelli continues to circle. Not much offense from Novelli thus far. Novelli shoots but Reyes ends up in the dominant position. Reyes is in top control. Reyes works Novelli’s body. Reyes continues to work ground and pound as the round ends.
10-9 Reyes
ROUND THREE: Novelli misses a crazy spinning kick. Reyes scores a right hand. Novelli goes tot the body and lands. Novelli scores a combination, but Reyes comes back with a huge right. Reyes lands an overhand right. Novelli comes back with a left. Reyes continues moving forward. Both fighters trade jabs. Novelli scores with a takedown. Novelli in top control and lands shots as the round end.
10-9 Novelli
Result: Reyes by split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: That was a tough fight to score. Although Reyes was the busier fighter, neither fighter did much damage. It wasn’t the most exciting fight.
(3) Sam Alvey vs. Alex Nicholson (Middleweight 185 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: Nicholson takes the center of the octagon. Nicholson lands a kick to the head. Alvey looking to counter and lands a right hand. A left lands for Alvey. Nicholson goes for another head kick but it’s blocked. Alvey lands a leg kick and follows with a right hand. Alvey takes a low blow and is given time. Back to action and Nicholson goes for a kick but misses. Nicholson lands a big body shot that appears to hurt Alvey. Alvey blocks another head kick. They trade right hands. The round ends with Nicholson landing a nice left.
10-9 Nicholson
ROUND TWO: Nicholson takes the center of the octagon to start round two. Alvey takes another low blow and time is stopped. The action continues. Alvey lands a right hook. Nicholson scores with a combination that stuns Alvey. Nicholson continues to apply pressure throwing kicks. Alvey goes for a takedown but is blocked. Alvey scores with a straight right hand. Punches miss from Alvey. Straight left scores for Alvey. Another straight left followed by a left hook scores for Alvey.
10-9 Alvey
ROUND THREE: Straight left from Alvey to start the third round. He follows with another left and blocks a head kick. Nicholson continues moving forward. Alvey scores two lefts. A combination from Alvey lands. Nicholson tries to close the distance but isn’t landing anything of significance. Straight left from Alvey. He follows with a body punch. Nicholson misses a head kick. Alvey lands an uppercut. They trade shots as the final horn sounds.
10-9 Alvey
Result: Alvey by UD (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: Nicholson started the fight as the busier fighter, but after the first round he seemed to really gas out. From the second round on it was all Alvey.
Fox Sports 1 Prelims
(4) Henry Briones vs. Douglas Silva de Andrade (Bantamweight 135 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: Briones starts the fight as the busier fighter taking the center of the cage. Andrade scores an uppercut. Brione thorws a wild combination and Andrade counters with a nice right hand. A nice combination lands flush for Andrade. A spinning back kick lands for Andrade but Briones brushes it off. Briones lands a combination that stuns Andrade. Briones follows with a jab.
10-9 Briones
ROUND TWO: They trade punches to start the round. Andrade lands a combination. Briones scores with a right and Anfrade counters with a shot of his own. Andrade lands a spinning kick to the body. Briones misses on an uppercut. Andrade lands a right hook that staggers Briones and follows with a left hook. Briones comes back with a big overhand right. Andrade lands a huge right but brushes it off. Wow. Andrade follows with a spinning punch and scores a takedown as rthe round ends.
10-9 Andrade
ROUND THREE: They trade jabs to start the final round. Both fighters landing left hands. A big body shot scores for Briones. Andrade lands a nice combination. Andrade with a quick right. Briones follows with a combination. A big straight left rocks Briones and then follows with a spinning backfist that lands flush and Briones is out. The ref steps in so he doesn’t take more damage.
Result: Andrade by TKO ( 2:33 of Round 3
Grocke’s Viewpoint: Briones started strong, but Andrade started taking over as the fight went on. Andrade was beating him to the punch and landing the more powerful strikes. A good performance from Andrade.
(5) Erick Montano vs. Max Griffin (Welterweight 170 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: They trade punches and Griffin lands a right hand that turns Montano. Griffin follows with a left that puts Montano on the mat. Griffin pounces and starts unloading right hands down on Montano and the ref stops it.
Result: Griffin by TKO (:54 of Round 1)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: That was quick. Good stoppage as Montano wasn’t fighting back. Impressive performance from Griffin.
(6) Marco Beltran vs. Joe Soto (Bantamweight 135 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: Beltran misses a head kick to start. Beltran goes for a front kick but slips. Soto shoots but Beltran counters. Soto looking for a leg lock. He’s got the heel hook in tight and Beltran taps instantly.
Result: Soto by submission (1:37 of Round 1 – Heel Hook)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: A great submission victory for Joe Soto after taking the fight on a week’s notice. Once he locked in the heel hook, Beltran had no choice but to tap. This has to be disappointing for Marco Beltran who was on a nice run coming into tonight’s fight.
(7) Erik Perez vs. Felipe Arantes (Bantamweight 135 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: Arantes takes the center of the cage. Arantes lands a kick to the body. Inside keg kick from Arantes. A right cross lands for Arantes. Arantes works the lead leg of Perez. Perez scores a takedown and has top control. Perez transitions to half guard and works the body. Arantes has heel hook but Perez escapes. Arantes maintains top control, but Perez reverses and is landing some nice ground and pound. The round ends with Perez in control.
10-9 Arantes
ROUND TWO: Arantes goes for a head kick but is blocked. He follows with a knee to the head but misses. Perez scores a takedown and works the body. Perez in full mount and lands big shots. Big body shots from Perez. Arantes powers up and reverses Perez and has a body lock. Arantes goes for RNC but loses it. Perez reverses and has side control. Perez works his ground and pound as the round ends.
10-9 Perez
ROUND THREE: Arantes opens the final round with a stiff jab. He lands another one. Perez is favoring his lead leg. Arantes misses a spinning back fist and Perez scores a takedown. Back to ground and pound for Perez with three minutes left in the round. Perez is doing enough to keep from being stood up. Arantes scrambles and he is up. Head kick lands for Arantes but Perez shakes it off. A spinning kick to the body lands for Arantes. They trade punches. Arantes lands a big right and drops Perez. Arantes pounces and sinks in a choke. Perez is saved by the horn to end the round.
10-9 Arantes
Result: Perez by split decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: That was an excellent fight. Both fighters left it all in the cage. I had Arantes winning the fight, but I can see it going the other way as well.
Fox Sports 1 Main Card
(8) Alexa Grasso vs. Heather Jo Clark (Strawweight 135 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: Clark blocks a head kick from Grasso. Clark lands a right hand. Clark staying busy to start the fight. Clark lands two kicks to the body. Clark lands a right. Grasso lands a knee to the head and Clark is stunned. Grasso has Clark against the fence and is landing big shots. Clark ties up Grasso and holds on to her against the fence. Clark is bloodied. Back to center of the cage. Nice combination from Grasso.
10-9 Grasso
ROUND TWO: Clark starts the second round more tentative than the first. Clark catches a kick and runs Grasso to the fence. Grasso reverses and is loooking for a single leg takedown. She loses Clark’s leg but maintains the pressure against the fence. Back to the center of the cage. Not much activity from Clark this round. Clark pushes Grasso against the cage and scores a takedown. Grasso scrambles and is up. She lands a nice combination as the round ends.
10-9 Grasso
ROUND THREE: Clark needs a finish as she has Grasso pressed up against the fence. Grasso reverses position. Clark reverses back. Grasso scores a takedown, but let’s Clark up. Grasso’s activity has really dropped off this round. Neither fighter scoring or doing much. Clark scores a combination that doesn’t faze Grasso. Grasso lands a short right. Grasso lands a combination. Cark scores with a couple nice punches and Grasso picks Clark up and slams her to the mat as the round ends.
10-9 Grasso
Result: Grasso by UD (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: That went as expected. A fantastic debut for Alexa Grasso. She dominated the entire fight and showed great poise throughout. I can’t stress enough how impressive she is at such a young age. How one judge gave Heather Jo Clark one round is beyond me.
(9) Beneil Dariush vs. Rashid Magomedov (Lightweight 155 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: Dariush opens with a head kick. He misses his second attempt. They tie up and Dariush lands a few knees to the body. He pushes Magomedov up against the fence. Magomedov reverses and scores a takedown. Dariush is up instantly. Dariush suffers a low blow and is given time. Back to the action and Dariush lands a left kick to the body. Magomedov blocks a head kick and a left from Dariush. Body kick lands flush for Dariush. Magomedov lands an uppercut and has Dariush up against the cage. Magomedov scores takedown and finishes the round in top control.
10-9 Dariush (Tough round to score)
ROUND TWO: They trade left hands to start the round. Dariush scores with a left hand and Magomedov counters with a straight left. They trade kicks. An overhand left lands for Dariush and follows with a kick to the body. They tie up center cage and trade punches and knees. Dariush lands a few knees to the body as he keeps Magomedov pinned up against the fence. Both fighters back to the center of the cage. The round ends with Magomedov backed up against the cage.
10-9 Dariush
ROUND THREE: Magomedov lands a big kick to the body and follows with an uppercut. Magamedov comes out for this round more active than the first two. Magomedov has Dariush up against the fence, but Dariush reverses. Back to center cage. They clinch up against the cage. Herb Dean urges both fighters to work. He then separates them. Back to center cage. Magomedov lands a left hook and follows with a nice right hand. Both fighters swinging for the fences with nothing of significance landing as the fight comes to an end.
10-9 Magomedov
Result: Dariush by UD (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: That was a tough fight to score. Neither fighter landed anything of significance. If anything, Dariush was the more active fighter and controlled the cage throughout the fight.
(10) Martin Bravo vs. Claudio Puelles (Lightweight 155 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: They trade kicks to start the fight. Puelles goes for a single leg takedown but Bravo spins out. They trade inside leg kicks. Puelles misses a spinning back fist. Bravo lands a right. They trade punches with Bravo landing the bigger shot. Puelles goes for another single leg takedown but can’t finish it. Puelles finally lands a takedown. Bravo scrambles and is up quickly. Puelles lands a kick to the body. Nice combination from Bravo. Nice exchange and Puelles lands a kick to the body. Big combination from Bravo as the round ends.
10-9 Bravo
ROUND TWO: Puelles opens the round with a combination. Puelles goes for a takedown and is stuffed. Bravo lands a big shot. Bravo continues to push forward pressuring Puelles. A big body shot lands flush and crumbles Puelles, Bravo pounces and reigns down punches as Puelles covers causing the fight to be stopped.
Result: Bravo by TKO (1:55 of Round 2)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: Impressive performance from Martin Bravo. Those shots to the body folded Cllaudio Puelles like a piece of luggage and the fight was over at that point. I’m looking forward to Bravo’s next fight.
(11) Ricardo Lamas vs. Charles Oliveira (Featherweight 145 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: Lamas scores with a short right hand and follows with a takedown. Lamas lands a huge elbow to the body of Oliveira. Oliveira works his way up, spins and has Lamas back. Oliveira scores a takedown and is working for an anaconda choke. Lamas survives by slipping out out of the hold. Oliveira back in top position. Oliveira has Lamas’ back and works for a RNC. Lamas is out of the hold. Oliveira has the RNC again but the round ends seconds before it looks as though Lamas is going to tap.
10-9 Oliveira
ROUND TWO: Lamas opens the round with a spinning head kick and eats a right hand from Oliveira. Oliveira scores a takedown but Lamas rolls through and lands in top position. Lamas transitions to side control. Oliveira tries to stand and Lamas has a choke locked in. He has it in tight and Oliveira taps.
Result: Lamas by submission (2:13 of Round 2 – Guillotine Choke)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: Oliveira dominated the first round coming seconds away from submitting Lamas only to be saved by the bell. It looked like Oliveira was going to continue to control the fight, but once Lamas saw an opening he capitalized on it. A great submission win for Ricardo Lamas and a disappointing loss for Charles Oliveira.
(12) Diego Sanchez vs. Marcin Held (Lightweight 155 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: Sanchez opens with a few kicks. Held lands a right hand. Sanchez misses on a head kick. Held lands a knee to the head of Sanchez. Held pins Sanchez up against the fence and Diego spins out. Sanchez just misses with a combination, but lands a kick to the body. Held tries a cargo kick that doesn’t land flush. Held lands a combination and Sanchez runs Held up against the fence. Held looks for a standing guillotine and lifts Sanchez off the canvas but Diego throws him off. Big right hand lands for Diego just as the horn sounds.
10-9 Held
ROUND TWO: Held opens with a jab. Held rolls for a leg lock but doesn’t have it. Sanchez is out, but Held grabs a leg lock again. Sanchez is out of the hods and now has top control. Sanchez lands a shot to the body. Sanchez maintains control while keeping Held pinned against the fence. Held rolls but remains on bottom. Sanchez has Held’s back but can’t do any real damage as the round ends.
10-9 Sanchez
ROUND THREE: They trade leg kicks as the third round begins. Held shoots but Sanchez stuffs it. Held lands a big knee. An uppercut lands for Held and he goes for a takedown, but Sanchez reverses it into his own takedown. Sanchez works from top control. Sanchez working his ground and pound. Held transitions and looks for a leg lock. He loses it and Sanchez is back on top. Big elbow from Sanchez. Sanchez lands big shots from on top as the round ends.
10-9 Sanchez
Result: Sanchez by UD (29-28, 29-28, 29-27)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: I don’t understand why Held continued to look for a submission throughout the fight. I thought he would stand and test Sanchez’s chin instead. That being said, Diego Sanchez fought an excellent fight and deserved that win. I have to say that I’m surprised by that outcome.
(13) Rafael dos Anjos vs. Tony Ferguson (Lightweight 155 lbs.)
ROUND ONE: Inside leg kick from Ferguson. Dos Anjos blocks a head kick. Big left from Dos Anjos. Ferguson stuffs a takedown attempt. Another left from Dos Anjos lands. Inside leg kick lands for Ferguson. Nice jab from Dos Anjos and follows with a right. Ferguson lands but eats a big left from Dos Anjos. Dos Anjos scores a takedown. Ferguson uses his long legs to push Dos Anjos off of him and both fighters are back to their feet. Both guys land spinning back fists and the round comes to an end.
10-9 Dos Anjos
ROUND TWO: Both fighters trade big shots as round two begins. Ferguson with a front kick to the body. Dos Anjos suffers an eye poke and time is called. Back to the action and Ferguson lands a nice combination. Ferguson stuffs takedown attempt. They trade jabs. Ferguson with a foot stomp. Ferguson lands a crisp jab and Dos Anjos is bleeding from the nose. Ferguson landing big shots. Nice combination from Dos Anjos, but Ferguson comes right back and stuns Dos Anjos with a big shot. They trade kicks. Another big combination from Ferguson as the round ends.
10-9 Ferguson
ROUND THREE: Ferguson lands a quick left hand. Stiff jab from Dos Anjos follows with another jab. Spinning elbow lands for Ferguson. Head kick lands for Dos Anjos. Nice left hand from Ferguson. Ferguson sticks a jab. A big left hand lands for Dos Anjos but Ferguson keeps moving forward. Ferguson lands a hard leg kick. They trade big shots. Dos Anjos to the body with a kick. Ferguson lands two stiff jabs and Dos Anjos answers with a big left to end the round.
10-9 Dos Anjos
ROUND FOUR: They trade kicks to the body as the fourth round starts. Uppercut lands for Ferguson and follows with a big knee. Ferguson goes for a leg lock but misses. They stand at center cage. They trade jabs. Nice right hand from Ferguson. Ferguson starting to land big shots. Big inside leg kick from Ferguson. They trade punches. Big combination followed by a body shot lands for Ferguson. Dos Anjos counters with a right hand. Ferguson ends the round with a big right hand.
10-9 Ferguson
ROUND FIVE: Ferguson sticks a jab. Dos Anjos with a right. They trade big punches. Big left from Dos Anjos. Ferguson lands a body shot and follows it with a stiff jab. Ferguson lands a combination. Dos Anjos is a bloody mess. Both fighters continue to throw punches, but Ferguson is landing more. Ferguson continues to stalk Dos Anjos down throwing stiff jabs and leg kicks. Dos Anjjos seems out of it as the fight comes to an end.
10-9 Ferguson
Result: Ferguson by UD (28-27, 28-27, 28-27)
Grocke’s Viewpoint: That was a good fight. Dos Anjos had his moments but Ferguson was able to eat everything he threw at him. Ferguson was the busier fighter and the aggressor throughout. He landed bigger shots and was never in danger. I’m big fan of Tony Ferguson and I can’t wait for him to get his shot at the title.
Thanks for following along with me tonight. Follow me on Twitter @FightChampBlog
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